When he shaprened his knife, he didnt completely destroy the point.
Laying the knife on the sharpening stone in its box, left the tip of the blade at just the right height to scrape a line round this can by twisting the can...
He is roughly hacking the top of the can off with his penknife - hasnt cut himself yet.....
Cutting down the side of the can to the line he scraped with a pair of household scissors...
New shiney !
I got these just for this job!
I also found a plastic topped thumb tack and crunched the end off it and put the pointy bit in the jaws....
Could have given this job to my biggest, but...I wanted to get it done.
He says its top is flat...
He is pushing the pin through the bottom of the can.
He made 7 holes....er....8 holes. Seems he lost count.