I killed a bee today :(


Dec 15, 2005
But it was up my trouser leg and getting nearer to my nether regions by the second :Wow:

I'd been out for a ciggy and sat on the bench by the smoke shelter, it must have crawled over my shoe and up my leg. I didn't notice it was there until I went back in and sat down at my desk. I felt a bit of a lump and without even thinking I just gave it a good whack, shook my trouser leg and out it fell. Tiny little thing it was, mostly black with a touch of yellow on the back end.

It was my nuts or the bee unfortunately.


Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 14, 2008
My Dad had something similar but it was a wasp. Now you don't want to squish a wasp as it will sting you as it dies. Anyway it worked its way up and then back down so not a problem. I suspect once it got to the top it was in a real hurry to get out again!! :D

The bee wouldn't have hurt you if you were able to give it room to get around and down again. They only sting as a last resort I believe. You could have killed it for no reason. Still, what I'd have done or dropped my pants. Actually I reckon I'd have dropped my pants quicker than you could... well best not continue what I was going to say.


Full Member
Aug 13, 2007
spent yesterday afternoon watching two leaf cutter bees making thier home in an old plant pot

facinating stuff :D


Dec 7, 2003
West Sussex
Had an aggressive Wasp up my trouser leg once stung me 7 times on the inner thigh. I was instructing a group of kids with their parents at the time. A child disturbed them collecting debris for a shelter. I tried not to drop my trousers but in the end the only thing that mattered was getting it off me. Pain lasted for hours even after a hefty dose of anti histamine.


Mar 1, 2009
northern ireland
had a rat go up my trouser leg once........not a good experience i can tell you ! got to the "top" before i grabbed it, stopped it getting any higher.....wife had to unbuckle my trousers and pull them down to get the bugger out !!


Apr 14, 2010
had a few wasp related tales of pain.

the last one happend on a beautiful sunny day....a nice day for a burn on the bike!....little blighter hit my neck and fell down my jacket and t-shirt.... 'whats this buzzy funny feeling next to my...OW....oi get the hell out of there' so i hit it and it stings me again....pull over at the side of the road and unzip to find poor waspy crumpled in my belly fat...poor blighter what a way to go.



Jun 22, 2009
i have a massive phobia of wasps, lots of stings upto 17 times in one summer. Put my foot in a nest once lying by a pool resulted in 9 stings to the foot. Had one in the lip off a coke can etc etc. Bees on the other hand dont bother me very placid creatures can only recall being stung once by a bee.


Jun 26, 2008
Had my first ever bee sting last year whilst lifting a bee hive minus protective gear.
Luckily I got stung on my left leg which doesn't have much feeling because I managed to sever the muscle and nerves a few years back in an accident.

Never been stung by a wapsy


May 9, 2010
North Norfolk, GB
worse than any bee or wasp is a sting from the massive hornets that like to live in the barn...got a belt from one last year and it hurt for almost 24 hours. Had a golf ball sized lump on my hand..the pain was terrible, despite painkillers.

Dont feel too bad for the bee incident...like you say, it was either your bits or the bee....and i know which one i would choose...


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Had a wasp fly into my full face crash helmet once, I didn't know it was there until it stung me just under my bottom lip, felt like someone pushed a knitting needle into my face and out the top of my head! Pulled over and got the little bugger out. No lasting effects except another red spot on my acne factory face when I was 17, next day at college one flew down my coller and stung me on the shoulder. Two stings in two days. What are the chances?

Next time I had one fly into my leather jacket and stung me between the shoulders blades. Luckily for me I have vertually no reaction to their stings, just a small red mark and that's it. Bees worry me though, placid or not I suppose it's that barbed sting that puts the fear of god up me.

We have hornets over here in France, big buggers they are too. I've seen smaller helicopters then those monsters. Not had the pleasure of being stung by one, but all the locals say that if you get stung it's a trip to A&E, 3 stings and you're risking death. Not sure how true this is but I still give 'em a wide berth.

Shewie, can't says I blame you for having to kill it. Better than trying to stab it with a compass or something through your trouser leg. Might have been better just to have got stung LOL!!
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Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 14, 2008
When I was a young kid (6 or 7) I got a wasp behind my glasses. I had only just got glasses too and the wasp went behind them while on holiday then got angry like they do in windows. I did as i had always been taught to do when a wasp is flying around me and that was to stay still. Anyway it was getting angrier and angrier and my parents and sister were getting furthe and further away. I kept my nerve and my parents realised I wasn't near them about 100m down the road and turned to tell me off and to stop being silly and catch them up. Me still standing deathly still holding my breath and trying not to look at the wasp inside my glasses. Anyway May Mum came back and was about to angrily grab my arm and drag me off when she spotted the wasp and took my glasses off. Kind of made her feel guilty and for some reason I was never that afraid of wasps ever since!! You'd have thought it would have me in fits at the merest buzz of a wasp but nope.

Saw enough hornets on holidays at the beach in France. A place called La Sables d'Ollonne (the beaches of Ollonne). Now they got me worried. Still we never got stung but my sister did tread on a lesser weaver fish there. Hopping around clutching her foot and screaming blue murder seemed to prevent much venom getting into her system, squeezed it out a bit the doc said. Anyway she had to spend time in the hospital waiting for treatment then the rest of the holidays with a heavily bandaged foot sitting on a picnic mat unable to do anything a young kid would want to do. Still, could have been worse as it is probably one of the most poisonous critters in Both England and France (and western EUrope too I think).


Life Member
Sep 19, 2008
Scotland, looking at mountains
I was once in the office and the Chairman strode down the corridor in his shooting suit - plus fours, the lot. Very stylish. Now a knight of the Realm. Mind you he had the personality to carry it off


Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 14, 2008
I have visions od nonsuch wearing MC Hammer style trousers. For those who claim not to remember them from their history lessons at school ;) he was a US rapper (I suppose) who wore very baggy in the leg area trousers that went in tight at the ankle. Also involved doing the running man and other highly dated dance moves all to the sound track of "You can't touch this!!" At one time he was the highest grossing pop star or anyone in entertainment.

So tht leads to my highly off topic question, has anyone ever worn mc hammer style baggy trousers?


Bushcrafter through and through
May 11, 2007
Pontypool, Wales, Uk
My brother and I were cycling, and hurtling down a steep hill. My brother rode into a wasp, which settled on his lower lip and started to sting him. He was going to fast to be able to take his hands off the handlebars to do anything about it.

At the bottom of the hill was a sharp bend. I braked for the corner, and saw my brother hurtle past screaming "AAAAAAaaaaaaaaarrrrrrgggghhhhh!!!!!!!!". He went straight on, jumped a ditch, and clean through a hawthorn hedge. When I retrieved him afterwards, he was a mass of scratches and had a lip like a doorstep. His bike (a racer) was totally undamaged.

The wasp got away unhurt.


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