How to prepare fish before cooking the easy way.

First catch your fish. In this case a lovely fly caught wild brown trout.

You don't need a filliting knife, any sharp knife will do. Firstly cut the head off just behind the gills. Make this a nice clean straight cut so the head comes completely off.

Then insert the tip of your knife in the anal hole of the fish and gently make a forward cut all the way towards your first cut. (head end of the fish) This doesn't need to be deep, all you are doing is cutting into the intestine cavity. Think of the body of a fish almost like an envelope and you are cutting the envelope open. In this picture the knife is situated where the cut was started and you can see the full length of the incision forward of the blade.

Now scrape out the intestines so that you have a relatively clean intestinal cavity. You may have to cut the anal passage with the tip of the knife to free it. Don't worry about the black/red line by the spine, this can be scraped out with the tip of your knife. It can be left in too if you wish.

Wash it in clean water and now you have a freshly prepared fish for cooking...

and by the way don't waste your fish like how Mr Mears does...there are better and tastier ways to cook fish if you don't have a pot or pan. More to follow soon...:p

For all you "experts" out there, I know there are a hundred ways to prepare trout and other fish and apart from ramming a stick down it's throat and cooking over a fire this is the easiest way to clean and prep a fish for cooking in my knowledge base;) This is for beginners.


Life member
Jan 14, 2007
thanks for the post, excellent refresher for me, as I consider myself a complete beginner again. I did fishing when I was a young lad, and used exactly that method to prepare the fish. I had more or less completely forgotten about it.

Looking forward to try this out in September on my trip to the sea lochs of Sotland :D
As for descaling and cutting the head off...well that's up to you.

This is the easiest way I know to prep a trout for cooking and if you wanna eat trout head on you go...:lmao: As for descasling, it's absolutely pointless if you cook it the old way the skin just falls off and the bones lift out so no need for the prissy prep stuff. This is for absolute beginners who should know the very basics before progressing on. So once i've a few more photo's of cooking trout i'll post that up next. There's several old way's I'd like to demonstrate here for newbs.

I reckon it's good to get back to basics, there's plenty folk out there in search of the basics, well this may help them get started.



Jun 5, 2007
Cheers w00dsmoke! Don't you know a good way of cleaning up small logs, rocks and weeds? Seems like that's all I'm catching just now.. ;) Lost 2 weights, 6 shiney hooks and a spinner today... :( oh well was fun while it lasted.

On a side note, while I'm sure many of us have, if you haven't tried a fish eye before, I recommend you do.. it's exactly like you think an eye isn't going to taste. Mainly just watery, a little chewy, but other than that not much taste.


Mar 24, 2009
North East England
Thank you for a clear simple informative posting, as a novice in food prep....this is exactly what I need, and as you suggest, one needs to learn to walk before one learns to run.

Carry one with the next tutorial please....



Jan 2, 2006
Millport, Scotland
Cheers w00dsmoke! Don't you know a good way of cleaning up small logs, rocks and weeds? Seems like that's all I'm catching just now.. ;) Lost 2 weights, 6 shiney hooks and a spinner today... :( oh well was fun while it lasted.

On a side note, while I'm sure many of us have, if you haven't tried a fish eye before, I recommend you do.. it's exactly like you think an eye isn't going to taste. Mainly just watery, a little chewy, but other than that not much taste.

Where are you fishing from?

If you feel inclined come over next weekend and try my local fishing spot, I got a good load of mackies at the weekend.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Oct 9, 2005
Thats a great way of prepping a fish and the one i would use in the sticks. Its dead easy to get the bones out once its cooked too.


Jun 23, 2008
Thats a greats tutorial. Iv never been fishing before but a friend of mine wants me to go with him, so now I know this I think I will.
Just need some cooking tips now.
Thanks for this.


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