Il sagit de Francais/Anglais. Je voudrai dire quatre choses, mais en Anglais parce que c'est plus facile comme ca et mon ordinateur anglais manque des accents.
1 When we bought our place in France, we decided to swop English lessons with French friends for reciprocal lessons in French. I think it must be because we are both qualified and experienced teachers that our French friends have improved their English much more than we have improved our French. We also seem to have acquired the ability to instantly get almost all waiters speaking English.
2 In our street, our neighbours are; French, Irish, German and Spanish. We speak English with the Irish and French with the French, the Germans and the Spanish because apart from the Irish, no-one speaks English. The German lady speaks excellent French and correct ours, but her husband speaks only German, which we do not. The Spanish neighbour is an elderly widow who was a refugee from the Spanish Civil War and speaks unintelligible French: unfortunately because our son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter speak Spanish, and co-incidentally with the accent of the region from which she comes, she is under the mistaken impression that we too speak Spanish and conversation is limited to say the least. She is also under the impression that since our daughter-in-law is a doctor, we too are interested in all the symptoms of her various ailments. We recently learned to our surprise that the little old lady we had known for 20 years was in fact ten years younger that us.
3 I was chatting, in English, with a German. I had overheard him talking to some French friends in French so I remarked that his English was very good and asked if his French was as good as his English. " Oh no, my French is far better than my English," he said, " because when I make a mistake, my French friends always correct me, whereas my English friends are always far too polite to do so!"
4 Just to retain a tenuous link with the original theme of the thread. Where we live when in France is where the French Special Forces train. Apparently, the preliminary Commando training course forms part of the selection process for aspirant officers in the French Army. Women soldiers are required to carry the same kit and undergo the same activities as the men: no allowance is made for gender or size. I have often witnessed awesome feats of endurance both on the amphibious and mountain sections of the course and it is not the biggest who are the best!