Here is my kit so far.


Thanks for all the replies people! number 10 is a rain small waterproof jacket. Yeah lighter duh silly me lol. Yeah cotton balls in vasaline is whats in the small bag. I have water purification tablets next to the first aid kit. Also in the little black bag is the stove I just need to buy gas still.

SO ditch the mallet then yeah haha??

Thanks guys everyone's so helpful on this forum I love it!

With the purification tablets and stove it looks like you got things covered pretty well. Look at your water sources though. Sometimes they are less than ideal, and while purification tablets will make it safe to drink, they will not improve the quality. Purified swamp water is still swamp water. On the other hand, if you have clear sources of water, the tablets are a great way to go.


Jun 10, 2006
south wales
Cut half the handle off your plastic egg slice and strainer, won't save much weight but saves space. Maurice the Mallet has to go, ditch the mess tins, take a spare battery for you phone. Do you need an axe and a saw? Ditch the axe this trip, use the saw and baton the wood with your knife and feed longer strips into the fire as the wood burns. Most important is to have fun and enjoy yourself :)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jul 16, 2009
In the woods if possible.
Just a few odds and ends, like a few carrier bags and/or freezer bags, rubber bands, zip ties. I'm with rg598 on the multi-tool (and everyone else on the mallet) but a good multi-tool is likely to be expensive. I wouldn't spend good money on a cheap one but even a cheap one can have a useful pair of pliers.

Your head torch is perfectly serviceable but it's going to be heavy on the batteries. I have one like it, I only use it now when I can't find my Zebralight, which unfortunately cost twenty times as much but the single AA cell in it lasts for a ridiculously long time.

Big Stu 12

Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 7, 2012
Looks like a good staring kit, as every one say's lose the Mallet, Don't use the axe as a hammer, its not designed to be used as a hammer.... and can cause a nasty injury, if you have a mis-strke, or just walking about paying more attention then what your doing.....

I'd agree ditch the mess tins, also if all your eating is boil in the bag all you need is spoon..... do you really need the cooking spoon and the Spatula... that depends on what you cook..

Take some hand sanitizer gel.. as well

Have fun mate

just take with you a good deal of enthusiasm and enjoy it.


I'm sure we can all go on for another ten pages giving you our opinions on what we prefer, but you have everything you need to start going into the woods. With time you will decide what you like and what you don't like. Those are personal preferences that can only come from actual time in the woods. You have the basics covered.


Jul 25, 2006
One thing I love when out is a nail brush to scrub my hands clean - as nothing else seems to get all the stubborn dirt off, especially if you have a fire
I've got a lot of cooking gear built up over the past two years, and I find that I've been taking less and less. But it really depends on what you want to be cooking. If you plan on bringing out all kinds of fresh ingredients and cooking up pastas or big meals for a group, then you will need several pots and pans. However, if you are just eating dehydrated meal packs, you really only need a single small pot to boil water.

Myself I currently have:
-10cm billy
-GSI bottle cup/pot
-14cm billy
-nonstick fry pan
-old small billy

and then a bunch of kit I acquired one way or another and don't use. As of right now I pretty much just bring my honey stove (now only going to bring 4 sided version), trangia, 10cm billy, and my GSI cup. It's more than enough for me.

As I said before, you will learn real quick what not to carry. As you walk out carrying the pots and pans you didn't use that trip you will be thinking about how much they weigh. :)


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.