I was watching a cook on the wild side the other day and Hugh Fernley-Whittingstall was eating garden snails! He met up with a bloke who on a regular basis, eats them! They were collected, starved off for a couple of days to get rid of the faeces and bunged straight into boiling water!
30 mins ago he was eating woodlouse fritters on the tv!
I can't help but think hes running out of material...
you don't starve them you purge them giving them oats powdered milk ect for about 4 days along with clean water any that have ingested any toxins will die and should be removed and the common garden snail is perfectly good to eat
Ive considered eating snails, Ill get round to collecting them eventually.
Can you feed them on something good like chives or parsley to make them taste nice?
Its an experiment waiting to happen....
No need they taste delicious after purging with some garlic butter parsley and a splash of lime juice