The vegan version goes like this….
Take 100g of ground almonds (sweet ones, not the bitter) and soak in 500ml of hot water. (you can make up to a litre if needed)
In a teacup soak at least half a dozen strands of saffron in a couple of tablespoonsful of hot water.
When both waters are cold, strain and squeeze through a bit of cotton cloth.
To the liquid add the seeds from quarter to half of a bourbon vanilla pod, four tablespoonsful of sugar (sugar is a matter of personal taste, many folks like a lot more than I do, adjust as you choose; I generally use syrup in custard) and mix two level tablespoonsful of white cornflour in a little cold water in a cup.
Bring the liquid up to near boiling and then gently stir through the cornflour water. Bring up to the boil and stir very well as it thickens. Remove from heat and put into a jug ready to pour over dumpling, pie, cake, stewed fruits, trifle ….

If you don't want a skin, then closely cover it the jug with cling film.
If you like your custard with a crunchy skin, then put it into a pyrex dish, top it with sugar and pop it under the grill until the sugar bubbles and turns golden.
If you don't like vanilla seeds in your custard then just use vanilla essence to taste.
Don't waste the ground almonds, they're good in cakes, biscuits, muesli, or stirred through with bournville chocolate powder
I know eggs are good food, I'm just really not fond.
Bird's custard powder makes life easy for most folks, and it's blooming quick at camp