Oh, Red, that is hauntingly beautiful! And I know very dangerous. I used to fish on The Ouse when young. Those cockles and mussels - how do you cook them? I have gathered hard shell clams in many places, but never cockles. Mussels I have gathered all over - but we get neither here, oysters being the only thing, and that requiring a boat and special gear.
My favorite thing with clams and mussels is a seafood Chowder, the New England kind, something I miss. I make a corn/crab chowder though - usually with a couple shrimp thrown in.
And Samphire; I have only collected it in the North Pacific and it was amazing - I remember it tasting like asparagus.
Are there cheap mackerel boats for a couple hour trips? I took many of those when living in Britain. They were actually good value for money if the catch was good, and great fun. It is so nice to be on the cleat water and hand-lining in those beautiful fish, and excellent to eat.
I have started a thread in food about cooking things we grow or collect, if you could tell us about your seafoods there or here I would love to hear of it.
Where are you that's so expensive? Here in Florida
I do not know the prices, but I have this frugal thing where I dislike spending money on growing or collecting things. An irrational prejudice, but unless I feel I am getting the product for less than I could buy it for I do not enjoy it as much. I am talking about shooting half a dozen doves with a pellet gun for a pie, not taking up hunting again. In the garden I start seed from 4/$1 seed packs from the Dollar Store, or buy an ounce of seeds (like my Siberian kale seeds - our staple) from the farmers supply place for $2, which lasts a couple years. I almost never buy packs of transplant seedlings because spending so much means I am straying close to the line where it would be as cheap as just buying the veg. Growing your own is really more expensive than just buying it - if you value your land cost and labour as anything - and so I have this mania of keeping the spending down.