I've been having a play, this first one is like Chris posted, I bought some line locs and they work fine in this setup.
Then I had a play with the 3d printer and did the one below with the hooks on, this was designed for a doorway to hook the ten/tarp door onto. I figure it won't be very strong on those horns, probably enough for it's intended purpose though.
All the prints are 100% fill PLA+
This next one is closer to what I was looking for, although the hole is too small, that's 1.5mm kite line i've looped through, the pink cord is 3mm and I couldn't get that through doubled up, so I made a bigger one below this.
Then I found a design that's rated to 80lb and printed out a hook version and a larger hole version (further down), these are both using 3mm cord, the beauty of the 3d printer is that I can make any size I want to if I fancy using heavier cord.
This hooks over 3/4mm line nicely.
And I think I like this one the best, the hole will let me use a mini Karabina for quick attachment to tarp and tent loops while havig quite a small form factor, and it feel really strong.