Greetings from Somerset, England


Need to contact Admin...
Nov 10, 2010
Somerset UK
Hi all

I've posted an intro somewhere way back in the distant past, but have been inactive here for so long that I thought I would re-post as a means of starting again.

I live in beautiful Somerset, in the South West, with my equally beautiful DW....we are interested in all kinds of outdoors activities, camping and (currently theoretically) woodland management. Our long term goal is to move onto the land in a yurt, roundhouse or similar, although local authorities and planning departments are notoriously antipathetic towards anyone who doesn't want to be born, go to school, uni, get a job, have kids and die......

I look forward to reading and learning as much as I can here.....thanks for having me!


Need to contact Admin...
Nov 10, 2010
Somerset UK
Presently just outside Yeovil if anyone wants to get in touch - we drive, so reasonable distance not a problem......Looking at Devon and Cornwall as well if anyone has any intelligence re planning depts.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jul 16, 2009
In the woods if possible.
Presently just outside Yeovil if anyone wants to get in touch - we drive, so reasonable distance not a problem......Looking at Devon and Cornwall as well if anyone has any intelligence re planning depts.

Welcome to the forum! I have some very dated experience in this area -- more than thirty years ago I took on the local council in a planning appeal and won. So I'm not sure 'intelligence' and 'planning depts' always go hand in hand but the planners have a job to do, for many very good reasons, and they generally do it as well as can be expected within the boundaries set for them by the law. Then of course you'll have the building regulations and possibly the highways agency to contend with. Good luck with the ideas, but be aware that whatever you do has to meet some basic standards, which nowadays fill vast tomes and are a lot more stringent than they used to be. Otherwise you're on a, er, hiding to nothing.

Learn all you can about the Local Plan, and the standards for modern housing such as waterproofing, insulation, heating, fire resistance and precautions, ventilation, light, water supply, drainage, electricity, power and lighting, means of access, waste disposal and other facilities, yadayadayada, and then put together a proposal which will satisfy (a) you and (b) all the rules and regs. You will need to become very knowledgeable, a veritable mine of arcane information. Then you might have a chance with the planners and building regs crowds. Some constructions have no hope whatever of meeting the regs and will get you laughed out of the office if you ask, or served with an Enforcement Notice if you don't. Some things you simply can't legally do for yourself unless you have the right qualifications which means lengthy vocational training for which you will have no stomach and insufficient time or resources.

I'm not trying to put you off. I'm telling you how it is. The main problem is that there are now too many of us, and so we have to make the best we can of the resources that are available. If things were not done this way they would be unhealthy, unsustainable and frankly unbearable.


Need to contact Admin...
Nov 10, 2010
Somerset UK
We've got no intention of *not* going through the due process. I have no sympathy for the people who deal with the situation by sticking up a yurt in a field and hoping no-one notices for four years, and then selling a 'sob story' to the press when they get served. We are still deciding on a specific area (it likely won't be close to Yeovil), but when we do, we'll approach the planning people for a pre-app meeting to find out what it is they will specifically want to see from us. Like you I respect the fact that they have a job to do, and want to bring them onside rather than regarding them as 'the enemy', which seems so often to be the case. Having said that, I don't see why alternative lifestyles and accommodation should strike the fear into the heart of the Daily Mail reading Great British Public which they sometimes appear to. Rest assured, we have all four of our collective feet firmly on the ground!


Aug 24, 2009

Im in glastonbury, but yeovil is my local souce for gear

poundland, wilkinsons, oswald bailey, mountain warehouse, millets



Need to contact Admin...
Nov 10, 2010
Somerset UK
All the places we also go. Got to invest in some new outdoor clothing.....any recommendations? the guy in Taunton Leisure (in Taunton) is very helpful.....


Aug 24, 2009
clarks village has the mountain warehouse discount store, and tresspass
they had a sale on a couple of weeks ago, 80% off some stuff
and also in yeovil high st
if you fill out an online survey, you get a coupon for 20% off next purchase


Need to contact Admin...
Nov 10, 2010
Somerset UK
Sounds great - thanks for that. Want to get good quality this time, as have some money (at last) - stuff that will last a while, not just budget/cheapest. Plan to spend a whole lot of outdoors time in these outers!


Jun 26, 2008
Hello and welcome.

Here's some places I go to.

Mole Valley Farmers - Yeovil
Barron's - Chard
Countrywide - Crewkerne or Taunton
Fowlers - Bridport
Trekwise - Bridport
Trading Post - Bridport


Need to contact Admin...
Nov 10, 2010
Somerset UK
Ham Hill is OK 'out of hours'. Nasty chavvy pub on top of the hill, but plenty of ways to get away from it, especially at liminal time, sunset etc. No camping though. Otherwise, around Glastonbury itself is a bit busy with people....will have a think....


Jun 26, 2008
Ham Hill is OK 'out of hours'. Nasty chavvy pub on top of the hill, but plenty of ways to get away from it, especially at liminal time, sunset etc. No camping though. Otherwise, around Glastonbury itself is a bit busy with people....will have a think....

Ha ha I was in Stoke-Sub-Normal on Friday.
Didn't bother going into that pub though, it's full of Z3 driving, pink tie wearing, ra ra's from Westlands.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.