Proper Garlic bread as well rather than the slices of bread they smear garlic butter over and call it garlic bread
Very much so. However Mesquite …..Lets not go knocking Butter... that's one of the things I live for!!!
Man alive that looks tasty
Looks almost like a cake inside
Ironically neither was the way we were served it in Italy. There they brought tipped olive oil onto a saucer and infused it with garlic and herbs to dip plain bread into. That said, this looks quite nice.Proper Garlic bread as well rather than the slices of bread they smear garlic butter over and call it garlic bread
Nice internal structure and texture - not that I'm a baker by any means. Drying then blitzing the ramsoms leaves is a nice way to stockpile enough garlic type flavour for the year. Obviously I mean respectfully and foraging in an ethical manner.
That wasn't a critism by any means mate. Looks amazing.
I don't eat bread anymore and garlic bread was a favourite so I'm sitting here salivating