I have let them both have a go with saw and the older one with the hatchet, but i could not get him to understand the importance of not having his leg in range of his axe swing if he misses, i had to pull him on it well over a dozen times in about half an hour. I too carried a pen knife from an early age and was hoping to buy them both one at some point as their Dad is not around and i still remember getting my first knife fondly. But neither of them have shown me that they can be trusted enough to have any kind of edged tool. The older one just wanted to swing my hatchet above his head like they do in skyrim when chopping wood, when my wife tried to show him how to use it properly and safely he just lost interes straight away,
I have to admit I'm a great advocate of a few knife nicks do no harm, I carry many scars to this day and each one is a little lesson! Axes not so much however they don't give many second chances. I think it's something that has to be taught understood that an edged tool can wound very easily and worse. Maybe look into the opinel safety knives if you're worried about injury? I too remeber my first knife. My dad got it from the CLA gamefair (when I was arguably TOO young) a little non locker and still have it to this day sharpened down to little more than a stub. Maybe start with something like splitting wedges and a hammer and move on to axes? If nothing using a splitting wedge is a valuable skill and dangers are minimal
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