No doubt agreed - but you do sound like one of the chorus choir converted. ( No disrespect intended )
You don't need to be advised because you are probably already in the 99th percentile.
But what about your closest neighbour? or sister/brother that isn't? We all have to make our own decisions but I see the recent flurry of government type leaflets not being aimed at those already doing - but those that have done nothing and see no need too.
And thats probably a tricky sale.
I would have thought the uptick and interest in domestic resilience would have gone up for many post covid but maybe it just didn't 'stick'.
Medications is a good point but 3 months IS a long old time for the logistical chain to not repair and renew itself unless one envisages the most high impact events.
My immediate neighbour is a deer manager, i get 2-3 deer per year, I get on well with him and his family so would collaborate if ****.
Rest of my family (my brother is the exception ) would probably loose their **** in 24hrs tbh….