Foraging / surviving from the land

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I reckon if one headed off down the coast in spring, unsupported with just the gear you could carry, say 25kg but no food, one would be dead by April the following year if not before. The weather alone would put you down for days on end.
in regards to the original point, tgis is my take om the meaning.

Shooting deer, farmers sheep and to stock an enormous pile of nuts is inadmissable.

Using modern equipment like cars and rifles is not allowed.

leading a normal life with time spent for utility manufacture, leisure and social is a requirement.

Becoming a vagrant to strip one area of recources and moving to a new area is not allowed.

Taking advantage of unused recources like seashores and becoming the full retard mono cuisine hermit is a non starter.

Adopting a new way of life that is unsustainable because your kit wears out is a no no.

So no I don't think its possible.
in regards to the original point, tgis is my take om the meaning.

Shooting deer, farmers sheep and to stock an enormous pile of nuts is inadmissable.

Using modern equipment like cars and rifles is not allowed.

leading a normal life with time spent for utility manufacture, leisure and social is a requirement.

Becoming a vagrant to strip one area of recources and moving to a new area is not allowed.

Taking advantage of unused recources like seashores and becoming the full retard mono cuisine hermit is a non starter.

Adopting a new way of life that is unsustainable because your kit wears out is a no no.

So no I don't think its possible.

Why not add that you have to have one foot sealed in a bucket of cement? If there were masses of nuts available then why not use them. Define a normal life, are the ones spending most of their time making knives etc not normal? Why not allow migration to new resources? it is what they did unless settled in a really richly resourced area. If not rifles then theoretically bows must be permitted. Why not harvest deer? They are a resource in plentiful supply. You would also ban using the seaside so in any words you are so unconvinced that it is impossible that you must hedge your bets to ensure the result you want. Do not understand the bit about kit wearing out but if that is an issue then deerskin etc clothing has to be acceptable along with clay pots and vessels of other materials.
As has been said before "THE FULL RETARD". Someone said there is a difference between surviving and living. Living also has quality of life thrown in. If you can't do it comfortably ......
Given the absence of law and other restraint could an individual and a small group live reasonably well as hunter-gatherers in the UK? The answer is that they could without any doubt and did so for many thousands of years.

I am pretty sure that statement is factually incorrect, or at least vague enough to make it impossible to determine it's factual validity.

Assuming that we are talking about living in a UK wilderness, rather than some abandoned version of the current UK, a single person would have a very slim chance of surviving long term even assuming they had prior knowledge of the environment into which they would be stranded. A small community would have a better chance. Their chances would depend on the size, the resources available in the area, and prior knowledge the community had of the local environment (specific knowledge, not general bushcraft knowledge, i.e. knowing the place where deer like to go early September, etc), and let's not forget, luck.

There are virtually no records of people surviving climate like you have in the UK long term alone. I think we had another thread about actually naming known examples, and we came up with about three, and they were all on tropical islands. As far as communities doing it, it is a lot more likely, but let's not forget that the historical record shows numerous communities that died out and were unable to survive. The likelihood would depend on many factors.
The statement has the same logical integrity as

"Of course human beings can survive by eating Dodo, they did so in the past"
Theroy, other peoples theroy and more speculation. The wild food holding capasity for the UK last count, several years ago, was for 1 million, as far as other models set against the way we live today, a glutunios society, were most peole are fat and over weight, consuming and supporting the need for a mono cultured, near sterile environment and country side. Take into account that we are coastal people, with no one living more than approx 76 miles from the coast and the riches survival zone, were food is urrently untouched and abundant, and if managed propperly sustainable, on average 75% of all UK seafood is exported. Change the way you live, go out spend more than a week or two away from your soffa and the TV , loose some weight, change you metabilisum, reduce, reuse and waste nothing. I'll pay any one a pound for ever pound in weight they loose, if there over weight and want to see how to comfortably live in the wild, before appling, please make sure you can comfortably walk 12 miles carring a pack, over rough ground, up hills etc. the average range of any hunter gather. (Sorry about spelling Mouse ;)

I do the round trip to the coast on a bike. Tonights tea was rice bought from aldi, mussels foraged, samphire foraged, tomato sauce freegan out of date, I couldnt face another corgette. I still manage to wiegh a heafty 12-13 stone. Tipi valley where everyone has to find and saw their own wood, park their cars at least a mile from their dwellings and grow their own food, are very very lean, and very fit. Vertually nobody forages, and they eat meat sparingly. Most of the sixty year olds still have a visable muscle on shoulders and abdomen. Modern man isnt fit to survive anything but modern life, we arent fit enough to live as preindustrial farmers, let alone past comment on hunter gatherers.
Excellent points xylaria but people can toughen up quickly.

Sadly the village idiots now contributing nonsense, I'm out.
I reckon if one headed off down the coast in spring, unsupported with just the gear you could carry, say 25kg but no food, one would be dead by April the following year if not before. The weather alone would put you down for days on end.

Loads of sensible stuff said on here, far to much to re quote, but a ridiculous statement like that needs to be corrected, where the hell do think we all came from, before we walked inland? Personally I can say, not reckon, sorry dont mean to offend, but you should get your skill set sorted, and remember we are not made of sugar!
Loads of sensible stuff said on here, far to much to re quote, but a ridiculous statement like that needs to be corrected, where the hell do think we all came from, before we walked inland? Personally I can say, not reckon, sorry dont mean to offend, but you should get your skill set sorted, and remember we are not made of sugar!

Heres what we do when the weathers nice

And heres what we do when the weather not nice, say mid January, freezing cold, blowing a gale and raining!
This is another


thread. Time it went to sleep.
Loads of sensible stuff said on here, far to much to re quote, but a ridiculous statement like that needs to be corrected, where the hell do think we all came from, before we walked inland? Personally I can say, not reckon, sorry dont mean to offend, but you should get your skill set sorted, and remember we are not made of sugar!

No offense taken. However I don't consider my statement to be ridiculous. I live on the coast and have done almost all of my life. I've earned my living from the foreshore and the sea. I can fish any method and have a huge resource of passed on and learned knowledge for my area, for fishing crofting wild harvesting, an area where people still live off the sea and of the land.

So my skill set is in fine shape, I'm fit able still have reasonable eyesight despite being almost 50 and I'm still able to supplement my diet with food I gather and catch myself.

My point is, we, don't have the cultural tools to enable a living to be made purely by hunting and gathering. It's not part of our culture and hasn't been this last 5,000 to 6,000 years.
The best way to stop all the debate and find out for sure is this:

Anyone arguing that it's possible to live off the land in the UK, for any prolonged length of time, get out there and try it.

And post some pictures when you get back.
The best way to stop all the debate and find out for sure is this:

Anyone arguing that it's possible to live off the land in the UK, for any prolonged length of time, get out there and try it.

And post some pictures when you get back.

Or possibly 'if' they get back. :)
Well, thought I would comment from a Canadian perspective. Interesting comments pros and cons, as long as it's all civil...
I read recently that Britain is in serious overshoot with regards to it's population, and how much the island can support. I believe your current population is roughly 60 million give or take. The article I read posits that the sustainable population at current levels of technology should be about 20 million. So think about this for a moment. Your country is in overshoot by about 40 million people...that should be answer enough about how little resources are available on your fair isles. Does not London alone hold roughly 20 million? There's your total sustainable population in one megacity.
Now, here in Canada we have only a population somewhere between 33-35 million. In the second largest country by landmass, the longest coastline of any country in the world, one of the lowest population densities in the world. Yet you would think that it would be the easiest place in the world to survive as the OP originally wished. NOT! You or I would be dead the very first winter. Especially without a tribe to support each other. 2/3 of this country is Boreal forest...not the easiest place to survive alone. O.k. in anything but winter. Many have tried alone, and each year in the papers there are a few stories of people who tried and died alone. Recently one bloke in Ontario tried to go it alone, ala Survivorman, and was found dead in the spring. Believe me, if I could figure out a way to do it or find a group of people living that lifestyle, I'd join in a heartbeat!
Anyway, thought this perspective might shed a bit of light on this interesting discussion.
Live Primitive!(if you can)
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