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I've had one for ages and have yet to use it. At least partially because it lacks away so conveniently that I invariably come across something else to cook on first!
Using zip fire starters the ones that are rolled up wood shavings coated in a acceleration solution
Companies House categorises Flexistove as a dormant company at the moment, but there seems to have been a change in the registered office address in the last week, so it is possible that movement is afoot.
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Thanks ozmundo, emailed and got this response from Peter Ellis;

The batch of FlexiStoves for sale at MREmpire were escapees from a military procurement trials programme. Sadly the product did not move forward, not for any functional reason as they work well, but instead due to wider defence cost cutting activities. After this a programme to make the stove available to the public was started, but became badly interrupted by covid. However efforts are now being made to get this back on track again with supply chain development work underway. We're looking at a retail product being available around the autumn time - so please bear with us! If you would like to be kept up to date please let me know and I'll add you to our (completely private) mailing list. Happy to chat at: hello@flexistove.com
Thanks ozmundo, emailed and got this response from Peter Ellis;

The batch of FlexiStoves for sale at MREmpire were escapees from a military procurement trials programme. Sadly the product did not move forward, not for any functional reason as they work well, but instead due to wider defence cost cutting activities. After this a programme to make the stove available to the public was started, but became badly interrupted by covid. However efforts are now being made to get this back on track again with supply chain development work underway. We're looking at a retail product being available around the autumn time - so please bear with us! If you would like to be kept up to date please let me know and I'll add you to our (completely private) mailing list. Happy to chat at: hello@flexistove.com
Thanks for the update. Fingers crossed. :)
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Flexistove have just sent out an update with proposed availability in mid to late February 2024. They have an option to sign up to reserve on their website conversion to payment and pre-orders to happen later.

I have not addrd a direct link as I am not associated with them but I think it’s an interesting product.
Further update.

The company took longer getting affordable production site than they expected.

Given the increase in commercial rent I’m not surprised.

It sounds like they are ready to start making the product soon and a further update is promised.

Below is supposition on my part.

I don’t known what goes into making the stoves but I imagine: label and packaging printing; fabric lamination of some kind?; pressing and cutting; sewing; packing and shipping. I assume a small industrial unit.

Therefore my guess is once they are running they will produce them fairly quickly …. if the supply chain is smooth. ;)
Been out with my Flexi stove today got the water hot enough for coffee but not a rolling boil , photo in out and about
Latest communiqué from Flexistove.

“The focus is now on materials, training, and shipping.

Since our last update, we've moved into our new production space, conducted maintenance on our machines, and bought a new kettle. It’s getting serious…

Materials: Today marks a significant milestone as we've placed an order for the specialized FlexiStove® high-performance foil. This material is crucial for stove production and is of bespoke construction made to our own design, so it's not off-the-shelf, which is why it has a 6-8 week delivery time.

Training: The FlexiStove® foil is a premium material so we're fortunate to have dummy component sets for training purposes. While the real material is being manufactured, our dedicated team can focus on the variety of tasks necessary for the production of the first batch.

Shipping: While it may not be the most glamorous aspect, shipping is undeniably a critical logistical consideration. Our stoves are destined for various corners of the world, including the distant reaches of the Southern Hemisphere. With reservations spanning North America, mainland Europe, and right here in the UK, we're looking at a diverse array of shipping options covering land and sea to air freight.

To address the scope of shipping needs identified, we're preparing to gather detailed shipping information from each person who has reserved a stove(s). On Monday, April 29th, 2024, you'll receive an email containing a form to specify your preferred shipping address. Make sure to fill it out!

Thank you for your continued support and patience as we navigate these exciting times.

Warm regards,“
A couple of emails have come out from Flexistove to get contact and delivery details of those who registered for up & pre-orders.

The initial link didn’t work for everyone but you can contact them directly to confirm.
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I haven't heard anything new but just a summary.

Projected price from the website is £27.99 plus £3.50 postage. I am not sure how much interest they'll get at that price. New crusader Mk1 or 2 are less and fit the same mug. I think the surplus flexi stoves went for £15.

The last update was End of April 2024.
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