Flat plane carvings & Yule pressies


Apr 29, 2008
Brisbane, Australia
This is my first successful figure, carved just in time! I did it on Dec 24th as a stocking filler for my boy - he loves my crafts bless him. It's from a piece of pine 1"x1" I found whilst clearing out the shed.

I finally managed to get out to my new 'workshop' (otherwise known as the back room, shared with the budgies and guinea pigs) on Boxing Day. My first attempt at a 5 minute wizard turned into an afternoon wizard :)

So here he is, my first wizard

And here you see my 'workbench' - an old pine computer desk which needs a complete rebuild, my partner didn't know what the dowells were for when she built it and couldn't be bothered with the glue!

I had a carving Christmas
A set of lovely carving tools from Flexcut - 10 interchangable blades (gouges and chisels) and a handle.
A detail carving knife.
A bag of wood offcuts from Good Timber in Northants that's mainly Ash and Oak (loads of it!).
A subscription to Woodcarving and Woodcarving International.
A definitely-not-for-carving bottle of Napoleon Brandy
A pair of slashproof carving gloves


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 8, 2006
The carvings look great, I'll have to give it ago when the new carving knife is finished.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.