Is it not working? I signed out of everything and it works for me - the problem is privacy settings and set them to unlisted - let me know if it works please. It is some film I downloaded to Youtube unedited - then never remembered to edit it, which is why it is such an ambling mess.
Those green light pools across at the docks typically have trout circling in them, they show up very clearly when present. If you cast a shrimp across they will take it. That heron is there most nights. Great Blue herons are both diurnal and nocturnal and this one stands on the dock because there is no where at water level for him to use - and dives head first onto a fish and catches it - quite big fish, up to half a pound and 12 inches long.
I felt like going back to the harbor as it got dark here a bit ago but resisted. I will walk the dogs down the bayou in a wile and go startle some frogs by circling the pond - they sit on the trail waiting for bugs and leap with a Yippes! cry and land in the water - Splash! when you disturb them. Keeps you on your toes as the big bullfrogs sound like a cat lumping into the water, they are pretty big. The moon is almost full and I do not need light to walk in the woods.
And tomorrow is the 10 year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina! Commemorative meeting in the park. A few people from this town died, but mostly peoples houses were torn apart and the people clung to trees and survived, unbelievable how many did this and lived, even quite old people - this is not like New Orleans, the water was moving. Before Katrina the most destructive hurricane in USA was Camile, 1969 - and here was ground zero for it too, another plaque in the park commemorates those deaths. But now days building codes are different and the buildings can survive, may get wet though.
Here is the foundation of the little cottage I built down from my house a couple years ago - to meet post-Katrina code, forty foot marine pilings being driven twenty foot into the ground and the cottage then is twenty foot above the ground on them! And it all has to be strapped with metal straps - from base to roof peak - and lots of other codes. Building on low waterfront land if a chore nowadays.
Those green light pools across at the docks typically have trout circling in them, they show up very clearly when present. If you cast a shrimp across they will take it. That heron is there most nights. Great Blue herons are both diurnal and nocturnal and this one stands on the dock because there is no where at water level for him to use - and dives head first onto a fish and catches it - quite big fish, up to half a pound and 12 inches long.
I felt like going back to the harbor as it got dark here a bit ago but resisted. I will walk the dogs down the bayou in a wile and go startle some frogs by circling the pond - they sit on the trail waiting for bugs and leap with a Yippes! cry and land in the water - Splash! when you disturb them. Keeps you on your toes as the big bullfrogs sound like a cat lumping into the water, they are pretty big. The moon is almost full and I do not need light to walk in the woods.
And tomorrow is the 10 year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina! Commemorative meeting in the park. A few people from this town died, but mostly peoples houses were torn apart and the people clung to trees and survived, unbelievable how many did this and lived, even quite old people - this is not like New Orleans, the water was moving. Before Katrina the most destructive hurricane in USA was Camile, 1969 - and here was ground zero for it too, another plaque in the park commemorates those deaths. But now days building codes are different and the buildings can survive, may get wet though.
Here is the foundation of the little cottage I built down from my house a couple years ago - to meet post-Katrina code, forty foot marine pilings being driven twenty foot into the ground and the cottage then is twenty foot above the ground on them! And it all has to be strapped with metal straps - from base to roof peak - and lots of other codes. Building on low waterfront land if a chore nowadays.