Fear of the dark

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I can remember two incidences when I was a teenager that made me jump - not quite out of my skin but a definite shift to the side.

The first was when I was walking back from a friends house late at night down some narrow country lanes - single track winding road with high hedges typical of Mid Wales. It was a moonless night and really dark, I was having trouble seeing the road and keeping out of the hedge. Usual things running through your mind.... am I alone out here, what would I do if someone/thing jumped out at me, etc and having just about convinced myself that there would be no one else out at that time of night when a wheezing cough barked out from behind the hedge right next to me! I think I managed to jump midstride and twist to face my potential murderer in a split second while trying to work out my escape route (adrenaline is great stuff!). Before running like a loon I waited for what seemed like ages until the culprit coughed again and then bleated.............. it was a sheep.

If you have never heard a sheep cough, take it from me it sounds just like a psycho deliverace will make you squeal like a pig before I eat you type person on a dark night.

The second one was on the same road but on a different night and different part - lots of moonlight this time
As a rounded a bend in the erie half light again wondering will i get home OK and why the hell do I always go to my friends house and why does he not come down to me? When in front of me, standing on the side of the road was a ghostly all white woman with her arm raised and pionting straight at me as if to say your soul is mine! To say I panicked would be a slight understatement - my heart skipped big time! Running through my brain was the story of Sabrina the spirit of the river Severn (a few miles away but I had mocked her existance many times while swimming and fishing in the river - enough to make her walk a few miles for revenge and I was not far from a tributory stream) and the fact that I could see the moonlight shinning through the trees on to the road was a completely different colour to the apparition who was clearly going to take me away....... flight or fight what was I going to do?! Can you fight an angry spirit - or run from them? What saved my life that night was the security light in the nearby house turning off and magically banishing the spectre who reappeard when their cat or other animal tripped the sensor again. My nemesis was just the light from the security light shinning through the hedge onto the bank on the side of the road. Yes I felt stupid and blamed my parents for not allowing a TV in the house until I was 7 and cursing me with a vivid and over active imagination (when the eventually relented they said that it was a special model that only worked when it rained)

The only fear in the night is the fear we bring with us.
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I'm a long time lurker, forced out of the shadows by this fascinating and bizarre thread!

If you fancy a good scare before your next camping trip I recommend a double bill of Blair Witch and Eden Lake.

Me? I think I'll print out a few select pages from this thread and have a good read by the camp fire!


I'm enjoying this game.

Read fully through with great interest guys! (who said 2 hrs readying indeed??) :nono:

Any updates Jonathan to this tracking story of yours for the new year?

One thing people haven't touched upon is the making of the trigger. Somebody said it was well made, which it is. The cuts are very clean, then scraped to give a near perfect cross cut. Using a knife not a small laplander type saw! (a closer look at the cut marks at the bottom of the downward cuts show where the knife has gone into the bottom) Could it be a Bowie or Tom Brown knife? What are peoples views on this. Anyway, point is, if he/she is out there making these.. then they have a knife too Jonathan! So be careful!!

As Paullyfuzz suggested with the pistachios, he must be getting them from somewhere, so he cannot be completely feral!

Doing some research on the info provided as to the location, I see your point very clearly Jonathan.

If it is his feral home, I can see why it was chosen by him/her! Close enough to scavenge from society around, concealed enough not to be found! A cut-off/concealed natural den close to civilization, which is hard to find these days... I can see why you bagged it as a Bushcraft spot!

Next time I see Dave569 at a midlands meet, there should be some good campfire chat going on about all this!! :camping:
Just taken the time to read this whole thread, some cracking stories!

I've had some strange moments out in the woods but all could be put down to wildlife or people, still had a few heart stopping moments though!
I'ts good to know I'm not the only one who suffers with the feeling that somthing is creeping up behind me

Living where i do now apart from the 2 cottages here the next nearest is about half a mile down the road and walking to and from work in the dark has given me no option but to learn to deal with the nagging thoughts. Although i did watch dog soldiers the other night and the next morning was a bit tense!!!

Any updates jonathanD? find your story exceptional
Reading this reminds me of a couple of things that happened to me while I was out shooting, the first one had me walking along a hedge in the dark lamping with a shotgun, in the background I could hear movement so I turned around and flashed a million candle power behind me, lots of noise but nothing to be seen and the noise started getting closer, somewhat unnerved I carried on walking thinking I have a loaded double barrel 12 bore so nothing is going to bother me when a large White apparition launched at me through the headge......... Brown trouser time, I legged it back to the farmyard where I bumped into the farmer, telling him my story he told me about the hoarse his wife had just got!

The second happened at dusk as I was sniping rabbits from the edge of a small wood land, again I started to hear noise in the bushes, when I felt pressure on the back of my leg, I stood up fast and looking down found myself in the middle of a family of badgers, we all scatted in different directions, me not wanting to be between a mother and her young them not wanting to be anywhere near me.

Thinking about it there was one moment where I gave somebody else a scare, I had just made myself a ghillie suit and wanted to try it out, so I took the air rifle out on one of my storks through the same bit of woodland, half way through is a large fallen tree which you have to climb over, I stopped to unload and climbed up on the trunk and got ready to jump down the other side when I noticed a bair bum and a big pair of eyes just where I want to land! The gent showing chivery isnt dead noticed the youg Padua distress and looked around to see a bush with a face and a gun grabbed the pile of clothing and ran, leaving a near naked young lady to sort things out for herself! I ended up loaning her enough clothing to get her back to the car, where the bloke was looking frantic with good reason I could hear her informing him of how she felt fron a good 500 yards away and for a good 1/2 hour
Reading this reminds me of a couple of things that happened to me while I was out shooting, the first one had me walking along a hedge in the dark lamping with a shotgun, in the background I could hear movement so I turned around and flashed a million candle power behind me, lots of noise but nothing to be seen and the noise started getting closer, somewhat unnerved I carried on walking thinking I have a loaded double barrel 12 bore so nothing is going to bother me when a large White apparition launched at me through the headge.........

Brown trouser time

I reckon, did you unload both barrels ? :)

I went there today to see what it was like and to do some otter tracking. Like I thought, the entire area had been flooded. And it uncovered many interesting things.

As I said, the area is like a rainforest in the Summer. Come Winter though, all of the balsam has died back and the place is barren. You couldn't hide a bucket in there it's that sparse. With the little brook running through it, and because of the thaw and rains we have had, the entire area floods and washes the whole place clean. Today I thought it would be nice to pop down there and track the otters in the mud, as it is impossible to move in there come Summer, let alone track anything. What I found was our friendly neighbourhood Tom Brown devotee had had all of his pits and caches washed over, which has exposed them.

Here was the first one. Big enough for two people squatting...


A couple of hundred yards into the most dense part I found another, but this one was huge....


Easily big enough to stand in, and to sleep three people very comfortably. The boards that covered this main area had washed further down stream and no doubt this part would be permanently covered as there was another porch like entrance leading in. To give you some idea of the depth, I'm 6ft 3 inches and standing up in the hole to take this picture of the entrance...


The amount of work he must have put into digging this and then concealing it would have been huge. The spoil had been carried to another area of the woods and dumped. I knew he had these little bolt holes with concealed trap doors like something we see the Viet Cong doing. But I really didn't appreciate the scale of them. He could live in these for weeks with a cache of food.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.