So is the gist that if you can do something without express permission of another ,as long as the other is oblivious to the act its permissible?
Including s**tt**g in the hedge?
The permutations get complexAbove the tree/wall line in the mountains has always been considered acceptable to camp without permission providing one leaves no trace. On farmland lower than that, permission should be sought IMO and everything packed in should be packed out including the 'Jobbies'.
At what point does a piece of land become too small for people to assume they have a right to camp?
These days there's a surprising number of people with theremal spotters etc so I wouldn't be surprised if you're noticed by someone.If you knew I'd camped I'd call you an expert tracker as I leave no trace, pitch late and leave early.
Yes.I used to be very good at apologising on the rare occasions that I was ever confronted. Landowners can tell you so much about the countryside that you are in if you can get them on your side.
If a landowner never knew I’d been there and my stay had no effect on them or their property: was I there at all?
For me, stealth camping was just a few hours sleep with a drink and a hot water bottle. ( Two more advantages of Winter camping: more dark and less stock) Breakfast was down the road or further along the track sitting on a rock or leaning against my pack by a wall.
You were.
I'm thinking of other instances and situations where this kind of thinking could be applied.
Don't get me wrong - Yes I've done those things.Like the time you did 80 on the motorway and got away with it?
Or the day you had that 4” knife in your pocket when you were out shopping?
Leon does indeed use my car to go for parts or chips when it’s in for service. That’s just a rural garage for you. I’ve known four generations of his family.