Hes not forcing anyone to go there. If people choose to live their lives in a way with additional benefits and additional risks that is their choice. They reap the benefits and bare the risks, it should not be up to government to legislate every little facet of our lives.
If guests feel unsafe or at risk then they should leave but people willing to use their common sense to live in that environment shouldnt be stopped from doing so.
I don't think "every little facet of our lives" is the issue here. The issue seems to be the buildings.
Now I can't for the life of me understand why this guy actually
wants buildings, but if he has buildings they have to meet the building regulations. It's as simple as that, and there's no need to imagine a Big Brother, nor conspiracies against Free Will, nor anything like that.
It really isn't sensible to say that people can make their own decisions about safety when they visit the place and go home if they don't like it. How are they supposed to know, for example, if the electrical wiring is safe? The vast majority don't have the knowledge to enable them to reach a conclusion. I'm a Chartered Electrical Engineer, and even I can't tell if a building is electrically safe just by looking at it. There are things that you simply can't see and which have to be tested with special equipment. Other things are hidden in out-of-the-way places and you have to don a boiler suit and crawl around in there just to see them.