Perhaps it was a bit naive of Toddy to expect that starting a current affairs thread on here would not end up resembling the comments sections of online news organisations!
Maybe its time to move most of the posts on this thread (and possibly quite a few from other threads) to a new “The older I get, the better I was” thread and allow the “usual suspects” to get on with it without drowning out the quieter voices of those who don’t have an opinion on every subject and whose narrow waistlines and broad minds have yet to migrate in opposite directions.
My understanding is that BCUK aims to be a “family friendly bushcraft forum” and IMHO that should go a bit deeper than just avoiding effing and jeffing in posts. Sadly, any young, enthusiastic and impressionable bushcrafters joining this forum in the hope of finding inspiration and guidance is likely to be left with the impression that the UK bushcrafting “scene” consists of bunch of grumpy geriatrics (few of whom live or actively practice bushcraft in the UK) whiling away the empty hours in their lives moaning about their ailments and giving vent to their prejudices and ridiculing the “snowflake” youth of today. Maybe some of it is tongue in cheek or done for effect but in the online world (even with the use of emojis), subtlety and nuance are difficult to convey.
It might be an idea if members could envisage when posting that a significant %ge of their audience is made up of teenage members of the Scout movement (other outdoorsy youth organisations are available) of either (or indeed any) gender and consider whether they are saying is likely to be viewed as coming from an inspirational role model or just a sad old f@rt. If a significant %ge of those viewing threads are not from the younger generation then we have a problem and it begs the question whether the problem is with the youth of today or the tone and content of posts on BCUK.
There are other UK bushcraft/outdoors etc forums which do not aspire to being “family friendly” where the tone is more dodgy back street boozer on a Friday night than Sunday lunchtime in family friendly country pub. A bit too rough for me but I understand that they are always on the look out for new meat (sorry members!), especially opinionated ones!