I, too, am fond of the movie Jeremiah Johnson, as well as, other movies depicting the fur trade era. It was certainly an influence on my early trapping days during the "fur boom" (US prices) of the late 70s and early 80s. I would have loved to have lived in a northern climate during that time, as our fur quality was poor in comparison.

I did have fun and earned a little spending money with my friend Tom, trapping the creeks and farms near my hometown, during those heady days of strong fur prices.
Colin, I'm a true product of the "American melting pot". I've known kin buried in the areas of Ulster, Ceredigion, Suffolk, and Yorkshire. In addition to the UK, I've known kin from Ireland, France, Germany and Switzerland and of the Cherokee in North America. The majority of my kin immigrated to America in the early 1700s, although some kin came here in the late 1600s. My surname is from the German/Swiss lineage.

Even with this understanding of the many branches of my mostly European ancestry and whence we came, our present family is very much assimilated and proud to be American, despite current European disdain for Americans.