I have always been intrigued by double-trees, that is trees that divide into two or more trunks from the base of the trunk. I have often wondered if such trees are grown from one single seed and just happen to branch out low at base (so they are one tree), or if they grow from multiple seeds that happen to lie very close together and the individual shoots then fuse together or try to divide as they grow (so they are two, or more, trees growing very close together). The shapes these trees can form as they grow can be amazing as the branches and trunks fuse together or try to divide. Below is just one such example I know of, an oak tree which has five individual trunks sprouting from one single bowl, photos do not do it justice (Im a rubbish photographer) but the branches/trunks of this tree are fused together in lots of places (are they joining together or are they growing apart). I suppose it could be one tree growing oddly or five trees growing so close together they have fused into one. Any other examples or thoughts members have would be nice.
Five individual trunks sprouting from one bowl and fusing together - One tree or Five trees ?
Three of the trunks fusing together making a complete circle
tree seen in full
Five individual trunks sprouting from one bowl and fusing together - One tree or Five trees ?
Three of the trunks fusing together making a complete circle
tree seen in full