I was thinking over the weekend about how many people i know that actually forage for fungi to go in the food they eat. So, do you forage for fungi to eat? If you do it would be great to know what you go for and what you don't (and why)
If you don't it would be good to know why you don't, is it lack of knowledge (this is why I avoid a lot of them) or no time, or even no habitat near you to find them.
I've got one particular log that year on year grows jews ear and a field where we can go for puff balls et we don't do it that often, but i know we should, we're getting more and more berries each year but not fungi, It would be good to change that.
So, let us know what you're like with your fungi
If you don't it would be good to know why you don't, is it lack of knowledge (this is why I avoid a lot of them) or no time, or even no habitat near you to find them.
I've got one particular log that year on year grows jews ear and a field where we can go for puff balls et we don't do it that often, but i know we should, we're getting more and more berries each year but not fungi, It would be good to change that.
So, let us know what you're like with your fungi