Sometimes I go into the Ashdown Forest and have put up my tarp for the night and on a few occasions have had visits from the local Rangers in the area and over the last couple of years I have got to know a couple of the Rangers pretty well and when they know I'm around they always seem to turn up when I'm making a brew I have always used a tarp when setting up camp for the night which the Rangers prefer as it blends in well with forest rather than a tent as they are not too happy with people camping in the forest unless it's an official site, but now I've been there so many times they except me and also I'm helping them when it comes to the deer in the area as one of the Rangers once said 'its another set of eyes looking over the deer' as in the past some of the deer have been killed by poachers, like you Goatboy I've had the odd stranger turn up and have had a chat and you can normally tell within a few minutes if they are genuine or whether you should be on your guard.