Dartmoor 6 " The Great Moorland Bake Off "...


Full Member
Jan 19, 2012
Chepstow, Wales
Sorry to here that Rich , but work is work , as you say there will be other gatherings , as soon as you get the faintest whiff of one put it in your diary pal.

I have the biggest test of my hosting career tomorrow , i have 52 Air Cadets walking across Dartmoor to my place , as part of their Ten Tors training , and they want feeding ! Fortunately Mr Newman is coming to help me down from the tree, like the gibbering wreck i will be and to tell me " There , there,it's all going to be allright " Not that i am worried one little bit , anyway off up the woods to wait their arrival !! They start arriving at 4.00pm tommorow !


52 cadets? That's a whole lot of hotdogs! :eek:

Damn shame that Rich can't make it. I, for one, was looking forward to meeting him.

Oh well. Every cloud has a silver lining. You can put the horse's head trophy skull back up now.

It's probably that waster Incitatus. He thinks himself a God but he's now knows better and his head should be displayed for all to see!



Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Hi Paul , Although it seems a cunning plan and a laugh , if you were to try and sneak up on a group of youngsters on a Ten Tors practice walk , not only would you put the fear of God up them , you would probably get yourself arrested ! As the leaders and spotters ( to ensure the health and safety aspect ) not to mention the British Army ( landrovers , helicopters etc ) are obviously there to make sure nothing goes wrong . I think it would backfire badly , even with parents permission !

Then although , part of the route does pass right by my place (Pupers Hill) It is very unlikely that they will even be on that bit of the moor , they could be miles away . But if you are serious , then make sure the leaders know what your intention is , as i feel it could get very messy , and i for one don't want to play . Therefore for that reason i am out !

Good luck with whatever you decide .



Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Hot Dogs !! How very dare you ! Marinated legs of lamb cooked in the hangi for 6 hours , a carrot and potato pottage ( cranks recipe ) a huge pot of vegetable stew with loads of crusty bread , oh and a kit kat each !

So please do not cast nasturtiums , and i sincerely hope your mouth is now watering ...

As before. I will place a couple two way radios up in/near/around the car parking area, for anyone that needs to notify us of their arrival, or needs a hand with kit, or someone to come meet them, to show the way to the site. If anyone has their own two ways/walkies then we will be operating on channel 3,5, or 7 depending on traffic/availability on/of those channels. We should be ok for 3 though, as there shouldn't be too many folk using it in range, if any.

There will be a notice on the gate post/fence, detailing where the radios sets can be found (they're better kept in a dry place, and away from any curious walkers :)).

Due to battery life, the units will be switched off, but the power button is marked. They will be set on channel 3, but instructions will be left in case a channel change is needed.

Adam (Comms manager) :p

Paul Webster

Full Member
Jan 29, 2011
Just started putting mine and Talia's kit together, getting excited now!! I've ordered 30 fresh bread rolls from the bakers and I'll pick the bacon up later in the week so bacon rolls for breakfast are covered.
Bravo two zero eta 22031100Z


Full Member
Jan 19, 2012
Chepstow, Wales
Well disapointment and envy have got the better of me and I have managed to get someone to cover my job on Saturday, so If it's ok with everyone else (including the horses head) I will now be attending for the full weekend.

As there were no tears and protests at my cancelling I felt compelled to re-double my efforts to attend! (Plus SWMBO'd put me on a full weekend of babysitting while she did a lot of retail therapy)!

On that note, would it be ok for me to bring a buddy along. No he's not the one doing a naked wager, he's an ex-RAF mate who loves the outdoors but is new to Bushcraft (newer than me that is). His wife is also 4 weeks away from dropping, I mean "giving birth", and he could do with a mainly estrogen free environment for a few nights. :vio:

On the food front, what's the score there? What do I need to bring/conjure up in the spirit of the "Great Bake Off"??




Oct 29, 2008
North Devon
Guys........ Sorry but the cockney **** is going to have to ditch. Little maid is having her 5th birthday party on Saturday so I doubt I can make it will try desperately for early Saturday evening but can't guarantee really sorry boys and girls got the gun all sorted out as well
promise next one though


Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Hi Richie, good news mate , and of course bring your pal along . On the catering front if you fancy rustling something up for people to have a taste all well and good , but it's not compulsory , it's best to have a bit of food for the weekend for yourselves , but as i have said before nobody goes hungry !

To save everyone bringing the same stuff , unless you announce your intention of bringing things ( as Paul has in previous post , bacon and rolls ) We tend to have a little chat , all chuck in a couple of quid and send Newman ( camp skivvy and gopher ! ) off to the shops for supplies .

And we always manage at least one group meal , we are a very sharing bunch , but nobody feels guilty about cooking for themselves on the fire , as we all have different appetites and hunger times !

Atb Ivan...


Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Now ! The little matter of the " cockney " We will have to have an emergency board meeting , about the continual lack of show of a certain member of the team who shall remain nameless, but it has been brought to my attention that in recent months , this member has shown up , hung around for the day , and thinks nobody notices when he slides off at night !

I think it's possibly a scared of the dark , bedwetting , i want my mummy thing , so in light of the lack of commitment , we will organise a kidnap party , to go to deepest darkest North Devon , bundle him into the car ( blindfold ) and once on site paracord him to a tree , and sweat it out of him , he will be fine , and under no circumstances , how ever much he whines, begs or offers money or sexual favours , for release , nobody shall untie him until he has at least releived himself in his jeans , thankyou.

By order of the management.



Full Member
Jan 19, 2012
Chepstow, Wales
Hi Richie, good news mate , and of course bring your pal along . On the catering front if you fancy rustling something up for people to have a taste all well and good , but it's not compulsory , it's best to have a bit of food for the weekend for yourselves , but as i have said before nobody goes hungry !

To save everyone bringing the same stuff , unless you announce your intention of bringing things ( as Paul has in previous post , bacon and rolls ) We tend to have a little chat , all chuck in a couple of quid and send Newman ( camp skivvy and gopher ! ) off to the shops for supplies .

And we always manage at least one group meal , we are a very sharing bunch , but nobody feels guilty about cooking for themselves on the fire , as we all have different appetites and hunger times !

Atb Ivan...

Cheers Ivan, kit is packed and I'm ready to roll. Just have to break the news to the wife now!:argue:
Great news for Richie, bad news for Rick, but least you get to go to a party :p. Remember, kids may look sweet and innocent, but when they've had a skin full, they have a habit of puking, peeing, swearing, sleeping, then moaning at you in the morning.......it'll be just like Ivan's :D


Jun 26, 2008
I was having a rummage in my workshop the other day and found a DPM bash/tarp/sheet/whatever, it doesn't belong to me so I reckon it's either Ivan's or Adam's. Have either of you missed such an item? If so, I'll bring it on down.
Chewy won't be coming down as she's going to live down the stud farm for a week to deal with some rats, I will most likely be bringing 'The Bear' instead.


Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Hi Paul , i think it's mine , it was to stop the urine spilling on to you workshop ( sorry luxury accomodation floor ) Now i have to apologise to Adam , as i thought he had stolen it !

Is the bear up for it ? and is that the one caught on film of me kissing passionately ?

Anyway , back up the woods ! see you at the weekend buddy .



Jun 26, 2008
Ah, glad I've found the rightful owner.
The one you kissed was Jet, my top boy, sadly he died on Xmas eve so he's in the freezer at the moment next to some oven chips and a stonebake pizza waiting to be taxidermied by a friend of mine. The Bear is, well, nothing like I've ever seen before. You'll see what I mean.


On a new journey
Jan 30, 2010
hi all if anyone can get hold of some flint and bring it to he dartmoor meet i would be grateful as i can't get hold of any by me .
hi ivan me and al will be there by about 12 on friday please save my usual spot regards dave


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.