Dartmoor 3 "This time its personal"...


Apr 13, 2010
East Devon
What a fantastic and relaxing weekend. Ivan is the perfect host and really knows how to make everyone happy. Special thank you to the "Tall Chef" aka the big lebowski for feeding us all wonderfully and sharing your knowledge with us. Also Paul Webster for the beef. I've heard some great jokes which I will have to be very careful who I share them with :) Really enjoyed meeting all the fellow forum members and can't wait for the next one.
Aaaaaannnd...relax. Oh well, time to sober up now I guess.
A cracking weekend, with cracking company. Again, big thanks to Al for the chilli, tasted fantastic. Also the bow drill demo (video will follow). Thanks to Mr Webster for the lovely lamb, Rick for ruining me with absinthe...again, Dave for his ever interesting conversations (on absolutely anything), Skate for the massive bags of paracord and utility cord, Fox for supplying some rather hot food stuffs and bringing the nutty dog (Dusty), Badger for making time to get down for the night, Ichneumon for being the ever friendly face and bringing that wonderful book, Clive and Karl for stopping by for the last couple days of their two week tour, Lucy for keeping Dusty entertained and general chirpiness, and of course Ivan himself, for making it all possible and being a perfect host. Shame Bushwhacker and Jon couldn't make it. Hopefully see you guys soon (with plenty of tequila and rough cider :).
Sorry if I have missed anyone out, things got a little hazy at points ;).

The Big Lebowski

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Aug 11, 2010
Sunny Wales!
Just parked my rear with a glass of wine :)

An absolutely fantastic weekend. Pleasure to meet and cook for you all..! Ivan, you are a credit to Bushcraft. The camp's fantastic and your hospitality is second to none.
There's far to many funny moments, I'm still chuckling now. Two that will stay with me are the 'pilchard surprise' and the look of sheer panic on Ricks face seconds after trying a smidgen of 'da-bomb' chilli sauce.

I'm really looking forwards to heading back down sometime soon. Cheers for everything and a personal thanks to Dave53 for driving. al.
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Jul 12, 2008
shame i couldnt make it, needed to be at home (yes, knocked back all the options i had this weekend to be out playing with the boys) Tilly had a good first day at school but needed me at home to tell all about it to, Cory needed me here to help decontaminate his bedroom from teenageness and Lesa.... well Lesa probably is better off if i do bugger off, she only has 2 children to look after then :p

glad you all had a good time, hope Ivan gets another one on soon and will promise to come to that one, complete with tequila :)

Adam, so, is the thermite still on its way to Australia through he core of the earth? :p
Sadly thermite was left in it's box this time, as were 90% of the other chemicals. A small, highly volatile cocktail will be commissioned for the next meet though. Contents of which must remain classified, due to certain laws, but it should be fun to witness. I'm hoping for at least a four frying pan penetration ;)


Oct 29, 2008
North Devon
still buzzing from agreat weekend guys, what a great laugh we had. it was great meeting new members of the forum and putting names to faces especially skate whose face has always been an enigma lol. great to meet Ichneumon,Dave53, the lovely Foxy and Lucy and of course our keeper Dusty. It was also great to meet some new faces, Karl and Clive who have the greatest outlook on life, Paul Webster for being a great guy and TBL (Al) who makes the best damn chilli this side of the universe and is the most helpful and talented guy, just believe him when he says the chilli sauce is hot....because it is, still having the after effects lol.......... Great to see Badger and Mr Bruce, who popped round to say Hi and to Adam for whom I apologise for the absinthe. last but not least, our host for the weekend the great man himself Ivan. what can I say that hasnt already been said about him a superb great alround entertainer, host, gentleman (not sure that has actually been said ) and a pleasure to be with.
so thanks again everyone for a wonderful weekend and hope to see many of you again very soon
ps anyone know where i can get a Dorset Duck.....?


Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Well All, firstly i wish i could post like i can talk ! Thanks to everybody that made it at such short notice , Some times we have had meets that are not going to be bettered, but each event has its uniqueness, as you know hard as i try not to fuss like an old woman , its part of my makeup, i was determined not to worry about this one and thanks to the laid back attitude of the attendees, it was kept under control.

A massive thankyou to TBL, Al for his outdoor catering skills and keeping us all well fed , even though at 6.30 am i had to go for a wander ( the chilli ) so glad i bore down near a puddle as my bum went down for a drink !
I can now shave with my axe ! and for his never ending patience , knowledge and attitude , top man .
Dave53, who as ever comes with a great outlook on life regardless of weather conditions, and i know he wont mind me saying his creakyness( knees, never moans ) always a pleasure Dave..
Skate who up till know had thought meets with numbers were not his thing, and i know who had a right giggle, glad you came along buddy.



Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Part 2, great to have some gorgeous female company in camp , two more amenable , good fun and independant girls it would be hard to find, Lucy and Foxy of course , who far from tryed to curb the language, jokes and male environment positively encouraged it ...
Paul Webster , for the company , whoopie slings, leg of lamb , run out for emergency supplies and intellectual bushcraft input ( my turn next time Paul ).
Paul ( ich ) who always , wins longesr traveller ! and provides entertaining conversation, sorry i owe yo a couple of tinnies ! and good job you hid that amazing book well , as it would have made its way in to my pack !


Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Part 3 ,Adam for his as ever unlimited support, friendship, help and knowledge, although the old absinthe clouded , his balance and speech skills , always great to see you mate.
Rick, for being a cockney ! no sorry pal for your wood gathering , sewing , knitting , laughing at my jokes skills , and all round good egg .

It was great for Andy Bruce and Badger to make special efforts to call in and say hello ( work commitments meant they could not stay all weekend and enjoy ) thanks for the axe Badge, sorry the conversation was not scintillating as the lager fairy had visited my tent , but it was midnight !

It was good to have a visit from Karl and Clive who finished off their mammoth camping trip at my place , i thought that packs that size were only on that tv advert for tea ! good to meet you guys , hope you enjoyed your stay.
Dusty for the impromtu alarm calls and making sure we were all rounded up properly !



Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Part 4, couple of things worth adding , thankyou TBL for Katies tinder kit , nice thought. She will thankyou pesonally at some stage i am sure.

Thankyou Jon and Mayobushcraft for messages of support shame you could not attend , along with Nova and Pinky and all the others that expressed an interest but for various reasons could not come . I am going to organise at least on more before year end so watch a space near here !!

Once again everyone for a magic weekend , sorry if i have forgotten anything worth mentioning i am sure somebody will jog my old grey memory.

Looking forward to those who took film and photos ..

Thankyou Ivan...
I knew I forgot someone. How could I forget Mr Bruce?

Little mishap with most of the video footage, but I will attempt to get what I have online soon, along with the few photos. I think Dave will have the best picture, with the group shot and other random snaps :).

Looking forward to next time. I'll remember not to drink absinthe and try to be coherent.

Thanks again Ivan, ol' buddy ol' pal.
Here's a quick video from the weekend..


And a handful of pictures...

The house...


Paul Webster's setup...


Fox's setup...


Rick's setup...


Skate, with face still hidden from view...


A moment to reflect...



Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Nice pics Adam , i take it the music background to the vid , was so none of us get sued as some of the conversation was of a inappropriate nature.

I have photos of Skate and they are only a tenner each.

Also a lot has been said about TBL and his chilli, lets not forget he did line our bellys with a delicious lamb cawl .
Nice pics Adam , i take it the music background to the vid , was so none of us get sued as some of the conversation was of a inappropriate nature.

I have photos of Skate and they are only a tenner each.

Also a lot has been said about TBL and his chilli, lets not forget he did line our bellys with a delicious lamb cawl .

Owww, that was lovely. I think that's what is being prepared in the photo actually. Well remembered that man.


Oct 29, 2008
North Devon
Have been trying to remember the recipe for the Cawl in order to get SWMBO to cook what was a hearty and warming meal but I bet she gets it wrong, will probably turn out to be toast and marmite lol


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.