Hey T. One more question. What did you go with in the end and how have the first few days been?
Hi Allison , Probably worth reiterating that Fitness itself is a subjective term - What Squash players consider as Fit wouldn't necessarily fit my needs or criteria which is why sports science types use such terms as F.I.T ( Frequency , Intensity , Time ) and SAID ( Specific Adaptions to Imposed Demands )
I'm also not a 150 lbs Teenage Male trying to Build Up/add body size but a Husky 125 kg guy in their mid 40's trying to retain my strength , give a nod to the fact i'm getting less mobile , acknowledge and limit some previous injuries and improve my GPP in some real world applications.
I have an interest in gross strength / strongman ( although by their standards I'm not strong ) and mainly Grip Strength Work.
SO without further ado...
1 ) Barbell Front Squat - Rep Range 5 - Front Squats place great emphasis upon the Core and Thighs and take some strain from regular Back Squats.
2 ) Bent Over Row - I have a strongman log made from a piece of Industrial Gas Pipe - alone without adding plates it comes in at 75 kg allows a neutral grip and just feels good to rep with.
3 ) Trap Bar Deficit Romanian Dead Lifts - I like to have a strong back and years of desk sitting needs addressing.
4 ) Slight Incline Dumbbell Bench Presses - I used to have a good strong bench and would like to get back to that point. I prefer Dumb bells over Barbell and as I train alone just makes more sense.
5 ) Bulgarian Bag Step Ups Combined with a Squat - So a Bulgarian bag in this case is just a Heavy Tyre Inner Tube filled with Gravel and sealed off at both ends , weighs probably 40 kg . The Bag loads onto my shoulders and then I perform an ATG squat then step up onto a platform , perform another ATG squat then step back down and repeat another squat then repeat the process with the alternate leg. Looking for Total Reps here.
6 ) Chin Ups - Grab a horizontal bar and just smash out some chinnies - more difficult at heavier body weight but its a Gut Check thing. May change out for a Rope climb in the future as that's a very good exercise for Grip Strength. Or move them over to Pronated Pull ups as I've found that a Good Chest exercise with a stretch.
7 ) Press Ups - Performed with feet on a bench ( which throws more stress onto the Delts/Pec Minor ) but also holding onto some Low Parallette bars to allow a deeper stretch of the Chest - Moderate reps , no need to go for a burn out via Higher Reps.
8 ) Alternating Kettlebell Clean & Presses with Torso Rotations. - Take a KB ,from ground level , Clean and Press and Rotate at same time.
9 ) Wrist Curls - Moderate weight , Higher reps , chasing a Pump really. What can I say , I like Popeye.
10 ) Neck Extension - I have a really fashionable Ironmind Head Harness that allows me to work my neck via Neck Extensions with either Weight plates/KBs or Resistance bands for a different loading. No major previous neck injuries but had Whiplash a couple of times and I do some combative stuff on occasion via sparring.
11 ) Farmers walk - Couple of Big Dumbells I take for a length walk down the lane for time under tension. Farmers walks are good for activating the shoulder girdle and firing up pretty much everything. I have a couple sets of Fat Grips to increase the handle size if I get to that point but I think that's a way off.
12 ) Navy Seal Burpees - Ignore the 'Navy Seal' bit but if you looking for it on you tube its the easiest way to find it , so a burpee with additional core activation thrown in via leg tucks and extra press ups. Just trying to increase the reps for time.
Thats it - Not always done in singular succession but done over the day as and when.