Ogri the trog said:Baked potatos... scoop out a hollow and crack an egg into the hole, return it to the fire for a few minutes - magic.
Next comes the apples, any sort will do. Remove the core (ally tent poles were made for this job) then stuff the middle with raisins and brown sugar. Cook like the spuds mentioned earlier, wrapped in foil. Oh boy they taste good.
We used to do similar things in the gas oven at home, and now I do these on an open fire in springtime or late summer.
Apples stuffed with brown sugar and raisins.
Spuds, the bigger the better, thicker the skins the better. Slice the top off, and hollow out, a big spud, fill with a raw egg (mix up yold and white) with a few slivers of cheese, and a bit of salt and pepper. Fit the lid back on with slivers of wood and bury into hot, white ashes at the edge of a fire. Ready in around 40 minutes.
Big onions, with thick skins, buried like this and baked become deliciously sweet.
Whole eggs, with shell left on, buried the same but in ash a little cooler will come out like hard-boiled eggs.
Bananas are great like this.
Breakfast on Gunung Agung was eggs and bananas cooked like this in volcanic sand.