I think the person was pulling your chain on that one lol
Actually, No. They do restrict content on shared TV. Nothing over PG for DVD films.
I think the person was pulling your chain on that one lol
My favourite conspiracy theory is the one that says you can make up any old squit and put it on the internet, and a significant number of clowns will believe it.
Actually, No. They do restrict content on shared TV. Nothing over PG for DVD films.
Have you got a link to that wouldn't mind reading that.......
Sorry, no. "They" have suppressed it.
Talking about paranoia and conspiracy theories, you gotta watch this. this is paranoia to the extreme. I think this dude may have been drinking rather a lot of that bottled fluoridated water.
I rather like the theories around shape shifting reptillian humanoids myself.
I actually think David Ike makes a lot of sense, until he opens his gob about shape shifting reptilian aliens, haven't seen much evidence of them to be honest.
You obviously haven't looked closely at the necks of those hollywood actresses at the award ceremonies, or Elton John's latest pics have you....?
Surely if Elton could shape shift he'd choose some shape other than a flabby, baldy, myopic , gappy toothed crooner with ridiculous dress sense.
Oh yeah, maybe thats part of the disguise! Genius.
Surely if Elton could shape shift he'd choose some shape other than a flabby, baldy, myopic , gappy toothed crooner with ridiculous dress sense.
Oh yeah, maybe thats part of the disguise! Genius.
I wonder why David Icke is no longer a member of the Green Party....he is no weirder than the rest of them!