I paid a visit to my brother in law today and he gave me a Coleman 533 unleaded stove.It has been sat in his shed for 10 years,it was given to him by a friend who had it for a few years too.Neither of them could get it to work and he said he'd be amazed if I could get it to work but if I could It was mine.
I pumped it up and lit it as per the instructions on the side,it works perfectly.Neither he nor his friend had opened the pump valve before pumping:togo:.
Now to my question,the stove has on it "unleaded".the newer stoves have "dual fuel".I know the dual fuel refers to unleaded petrol and coleman fuel/white gas.So I'm assuming that the "unleaded version will also burn white gas,coleman fuel , panel wipe and aspen 4T .Am I correct or should I just stick to unleaded?
I pumped it up and lit it as per the instructions on the side,it works perfectly.Neither he nor his friend had opened the pump valve before pumping:togo:.
Now to my question,the stove has on it "unleaded".the newer stoves have "dual fuel".I know the dual fuel refers to unleaded petrol and coleman fuel/white gas.So I'm assuming that the "unleaded version will also burn white gas,coleman fuel , panel wipe and aspen 4T .Am I correct or should I just stick to unleaded?