civil enforcement officer??

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Someone had spiked his drink with PCP. He'd only just got the recording contract and Elektra records whisked him off from Stoke to Los Angeles. They threw a shedload of money at him, including a massive birthday party for him. His drink was spiked, he stripped off and started acting wierd. The police came and tasered him. He died. End of!

wasnt talking about your dude, i ment the guy who died today, my fault for not quoting as i posted as you did, sorry for any confusion, but my pont still stands as far as im concerned drugs or no, still a bad out come for every one though,
Sorry, I've derailed the thread havent I.

Not my intention, honestly, it's just the taser thing struck home.

It's understandable that it strikes you so personally. As for derailing the thread, I don't think so. Your case illustrates one of the fears that the OP has I think. Whether his fears are valid or not isn't for me to judge.
Yeah, I guess so. There was a big bunch of us back then, maybe 40 or more who regularly hung out. Ephraim was a good mate, we were all pretty tight. For a period of about 3 or 4 years, we were in each others houses, flats or down the pub. It was a big shock at the time, we were all still on a high for him for getting the record deal. We were only kids really and it was like one of us, an ordinary bloke who we knew was going to be minted and famous, and then we hear he'd died, and in this way. It was a roller coaster. Weird looking back on it, it's nearly 20 years ago now. Man i feel old. :D
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