The devil once ascended to earth to reap his maniacle vengence upon us all with fire and pestalence. But Chuck Norris round house kicked him in the head and it was ok again.
If captain Ahab was Chuck Norris, moby Dick would be a nice selection of cutlery and tooth picks.
On the seventh day god invented Chuck Norris who round housed him so hard that he had to rest for a week and couldn't eat, lent was born!
Chuck norris doesn't mow his grass. he stands on his lawn and dares it to grow.
Chuck norris is the reason Wally is hiding.
Death once had a near Chuck-Norris experience.
jesus walked on water, chuck norris swims through land!
when the bogeyman goes to sleep every night, he checks under the bed for chuck norris...
There is no theory of evolution, it is simply a list of animals chuck norris allows to live.
finally - Chuck norris can touch MC hammer.
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