Chitted Oca Tubers

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.

A huge thank you, they arrived safe and well today, you are a star!

Some are already in pots the rest have to wait a bit until some larger post can be found. :D
Glad they got there safely Steve :)

If you have no use for the hay, tuck it under a bush or hedge - the small birds are loving the stuff I leave them as a nest material :)
I would love to grow those but I seem to have developed the black thumb over the last few years and kill everything I come into contact with. Can I just say though that I love what you and those that you have sold to are doing and would love to try and cook some (something I can do reasonably well at least).
Hi Joab - don't eat a steady diet of the foliage as it contains Oxalic acid which can cause stones. A little is fine. They may well flower - small, yellow flowers. Just let them - it hurts nothing and is quite pretty :)

Tried a few leaves with a strawberry the other day on the alotment, very tastey. All 3 of the Yakon are growing do they take a bit of time to get tall and what is the best feed suppliment if any to give both?
They should be bushing nicely (18-24") at this stage. Yacon grow on till December, they will get beyond head height if more than a foot at this point!
How did you store yours? I have Jerusalem artichokes which I harvest when I need them, but leave them in the ground and they come back each year- is it best to lift and store these?

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How did you store yours? I have Jerusalem artichokes which I harvest when I need them, but leave them in the ground and they come back each year- is it best to lift and store these?

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I do lift and store as that is the "accepted wisdom" - I clean and dry them and pack them in dry straw and store them in the barn

Seed Oca by British Red, on Flickr

That said, any I miss and leave in the soil come up just fine - so I suspect you could leave a few in the soil like JA. I tend to rotate my beds so this is less on an option for me.


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