I have a piece of media related trivia. This is actually so bad that you can look on President Biden's web page and it mentions this. Assault Rifle is a term that does not relate to any weapon, it is rumored to be a mistake made by a journalist in that he thought for some reason that the AR of AR-15 stood for that as apposed to Armalite Rifle. You will see it used all over the media however it does not actually relate to anything and is a made up term.
On mental health, Biden talks about 40,000 people dying from gun shot wounds a year however no one ever mentions that 2/3 of them are self-inflicted.
Assault Rifle is a term that exists , it just doesn't relate to what most Americans can either purchase or what the other half believe it is.
Assault Rifle is a military term used to describe a weapon system that can fire semi auto or full auto.
"a lightweight rifle developed from the sub-machine gun, which may be set to fire automatically or semi-automatically."
As such American civilians ( at least the majority before Santaman comments on specific exclusions ) cannot and do not own rifles capable of full automatic fire.
But yes, most politicians don't seem to know exactly what they are talking about in terms of those things - If I were them I'd spend some with an informed advisor rather than take a running jump at my best guess.
( I also enjoyed watching the congresswoman making a fool out of herself in a meeting because she had a belief that Nuclear Subs could only stay submerged for 6 hours IIRC )
I was also surprised when I found out that the Deaths by Firearms included the Suicide statistic - this to me doesn't sit well.
Do they include Suicides by razor blade under Knife crime????
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