Canadian kit

tommy the cat

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 6, 2007
Well just organising a trip to see my mate who has emigrated to Toronto in the fall.
Was wondering what kit would be worth looking at?
Thinking about getting a dslr when out there but what else are worth a look see?
Any Canadians fancy a shot at what gear they want /couldn't do without?
Gonna be doin sight seeing rather than bushie stuff prob gonna be end of Oct now looking at he price of flights!!!:eek:
If you don't have one already, I suggest getting a Tilley hat. My Hemp Tilley is equally well suited to hot and dry, and cool and wet. The Hemp stiffens up greatly when wet so you don't get a limp floppy hat. Tilley also sells amazing hot weather clothing (little pricey though). BTW the factory is located in Toronto so it might be a worthwhile stop in your sight seeing itinerary. You might also be able to snag some Danners ( if you like 'em) relativley cheap (compared to the UK) . Because so much of our best gear is tailored to our winters, the pickings might be a bit slim. Have fun on your trip! and hopefully some Torontonians will be by to set you straight.


Mar 9, 2006
Ontario, Canada
I have just come back from Toronto ( i go quite reg) regards flights have you checked out "" "" "" and plenty of other "budget" couriers i would have thought flights in Oct would be alot less than £275 inc.
There are some good camping shops on king st and Europe both are good but MEC is a lot more organized and they have some good prices on their stuff, i check out their web sites reg and if they do any specials that i am after i buy them online and have them del to my cuz and then pick them up when i go over,or they send them over in the post and i dont pay VAT!!!.
at the mo MSR dragonfly stoves are $89 have bought 2 (just in case!!) any ways have a good trip and go see the falls they really are good.
Take care

tommy the cat

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 6, 2007
Thanks for the replies... I am after a hat not sure whether leather or Tilley yet but needs to work in the wet.Thanks for the links gonna have a look now.
Ps Canadian affair £280inc but not in Aug when I was gonna go (£400!!)
Gonna really go out to see mt mate but Niagra is on the agenda...if he's not sick of it as he has to take all of his over seas mates there!!!
Oh and yea never tried on Danners worth the money?


Need to contact Admin...
Nov 29, 2003
Tilleys are ok in showers but soak up a fair bit of water. In cold wet weather they are not good.

A fur felt hat is a good alternative. Akubras are popular but in Canada it might be easier to source a Stetson.

Ogri the trog

Apr 29, 2005
Mid Wales UK
Oh and yea never tried on Danners worth the money?

You bet they are, (along the same lines as Matterhorn boots) if I could get hold of a pair of Danner Fort Lewis's I'd jump at the chance.
The Canuks are as big into their hunting and fishing as the Americans, so their gear is very well priced compared to UK.
Oh, and Niagra is pretty awe inspiring!

Have a great time

Ogri the trog
Oh and yea never tried on Danners worth the money?

The more expensive Danner boots such as the Acadias are made in the States and are pretty much bombproof, but they require a alot of wear to break 'em in. Both the standard and desert Acadias are very popular in the Canadian military which has to say something about their quality. They are quite heavy however, so I wouldn't reccomend using them if weight is a big concern. Most of Danner's newer footwear is outsourced which makes them alot cheaper without a big drop in quality. The Danner Pronghorn is a favourite for allround use, and the Danner Jackal is an excellent modern stalking/tracking boot (although there has been some durability issues with the sole). I would definetly say that they are worth the money, but of course you should let your feet decide.


Jul 5, 2007
Toronto, Canada
You should definitely check out MEC, I especially recommend their softshell jackets as a pretty useful piece of outdoor gear.

I also agree with Doc on the Grohmann knife, the best prices I've found are at LeBaron:
Their prices are actually pretty good on everything, but especially knives. There's one in Mississauga, and one in Markham.

You could also check out Lee Valley Tools, which mostly carries woodworking type stuff, but they also carry Gransfors axes, knives, lanterns, etc, as well as some outdoors-type hats.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.