camping with my girls


May 22, 2011
march, cambs
Hello peeps,

As the title says Im taking my girls camping monday night down to my local scout camp, but Im a bit stuck as to what to do with them?
Shelter building and stuff is out of the question becase we just havnt got the materials at our campsite. It literally is a big bit of grass with some toilets lol

They are 6 and 8 years old, both are in the brownies so love there camping and being outdoors.

I no we are gonna get a fire going and do some cooking over it and do some marsh mellows and twists as well as some bbq type food.

My skills are somewhat limited myself tbh and the most inportant thing for me is to have some daddy daughter quality time!!

The plan is to try them out doing some bushcrafty type stuff at a place local to home (half a mile away) with a toilet and then progress to hopefully taking them out on a proper trip!!

How did/do you introduce your kids to the wonderful world of bushcraft??
Any ideas would be greatfully recieved.

All the best


I would like to know just as much as you - I have a 4 yr old daughter and we spend alot of time camping and in the woods etc - but I'd like to know if anyone had any ideas that she could participate in at her age - We have done some plant foraging (Steve have you thought of this? It can be quite fun) but other than that I can not seem to think of anything age suitable.
Sorry I don't have any ideas but I have been wondering this myself. I hope you all enjoy your trip :)


Aug 27, 2003
South Wales Valleys
How did/do you introduce your kids to the wonderful world of bushcraft??
My neice has been around it all her life, but I do teach young school groups occasionally. The best way I have found is to make it into a game rather than a learning / education thing. For example to teach plant ID i first get them to do a scavenger hunt, I collect 10 leaves/fruits etc and see if they can also find them (only choose safe edible/usefull stuff as you can exand on that later once they can identify them by sight). When it comes to tools and knives, start small .... get them to make a kebab skewer so they can prep their own kebeb and cook it on an open fire. As for shelter, just start with a tarp and some basic knots ... with my neice we called it a wendy house and she was happy enough plying in her tarp shelter all day :)

Try searching on some cub / scout site on the interweb as there are some fine ideas out there .... and if you come accross some good ones dont forget to post them here ;)



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 7, 2007
East Lancashire
Scavenger hunt...different types of leaves from trees, then try to ID the tree.

Are you taking a stove?...let them make you a brew.

Playing with ferro rods kept my monsters happy for hours.

Take a frisbee and a tennis ball to play catch with.

Go or a nature walk to the local cafe / shop and give them a surprise treat.

Putting points on sticks is always popular.


You could set up a moth sheet - big white sheet hung up with a torch behind it. See what you can attract once the sun goes down.

I like this idea - not tried it before. My daughter loves bugs - Its funny but out of all the insects she has come across so far while out camping or in the woods - the only one that scared her was a fly haha - but once explaining they are harmless, she is now fine with them.


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
-The marshmallows are a good start.
-For the BBQ you might let them do a weinie roast; let each one of them roast their own hot dogs by skewering them like the marshmallows on a stick and holding it over the fire.
-Fishing if it's an option.
-Mix in some non-bushy things you know they like as at that age their attention span needs to be considered (perhaps some board games you might bring)
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Aug 24, 2004
Devon, UK
Further to the other campfire food suggestions, I've had a hit with kids that age doing Bread on a Stick. Google it up.


May 22, 2011
march, cambs
Thanks for the ideas chaps, unfortunately any sort of nature walks and edible food just isn't possible, the site is very near to a housing estate and next to it is just a field of crops.
There maybe about 10ish trees surround the site. Just bushes really.
I like moth idea and very much like the nettle corsage idea too!! Iv never made any cordage before myself so that could be very interesting for all of us!!!
Do you put other foraged stuff on it or just leave it plain?
Thanks guys


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.