Butser Ancient Farm Mesolithic Boat Build


Jan 21, 2013
England(Scottish Native)
Interesting things have been happening at Butser since I left to do a bit more volunteering at a local country park... I've just received an email to volunteers at Butser that they will be doing another boat building project over the Summer. I missed the last build, the bronze age log boat, because I hadn't joined the team then. It's quite exciting because my favourite period of prehistory is the Mesolithic. I'll have to get back to Butser Ancient Farm on the regular. There's only a limited number of spaces, so I'll have to email them about my previous experience with them to be sure to get involved.

"The project aims at investigating the construction techniques of prehistoric logboats. It is a follow up from ‘The Prometheus’ project that explored the use of fire in the construction of Bronze Age logboats. This year’s project will focus on the construction of Mesolithic boats. The project will see two logboats being constructed, one 7.5m long the other c.3.5m. The bigger log will be used to explore a range of different construction techniques including theories from Starr Carr and Bouldnor Cliff. The construction of the boats will be done with bone, stone and antler tools and, as well as gathering quantifiable data, it will give those involved the experience of working with replica prehistoric tools."


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
You should have fun at that, Belzeebob23 was on the bronze age log boat build at the Crannog Centre at Loch Tay a few years back (I was gutted I couldn't get the time off work). Was a lot of hard work but using the Tools that Damian Goodburn brought along really made his day. Remember to take your camera as they are some great shots to be had which I sure everyone would love to see.


Jan 21, 2013
England(Scottish Native)
You should have fun at that, Belzeebob23 was on the bronze age log boat build at the Crannog Centre at Loch Tay a few years back (I was gutted I couldn't get the time off work). Was a lot of hard work but using the Tools that Damian Goodburn brought along really made his day. Remember to take your camera as they are some great shots to be had which I sure everyone would love to see.
I really should visit the Crannog Centre. I've never been. Providing I get onto the regular team making the boat, I'll make sure to document the process as much as I can :)

So this is just a thread acting as a bit of publicity. Summer's when the big projects start at Butser. They've been doing quite a few things. If anyone lives locally, get down to BAF.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Mar 28, 2014
Sounds like an educational adventure and a half, i'll be keeping my eye open for the reports from you


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 20, 2007
Star Carr, there were small rolls of birch bark found so maybe they made canoes if they knew the techniques of manipulating bark with wider rolls. The Mesolithic is a very interesting period and to link this with building a boat means I am jealous. Will they try a quick skin covered one as well, such as this one? Good luck with the volunteering.


Jan 21, 2013
England(Scottish Native)
Thanks, Hamish and Edwin. I don't know how much I can contribute to a project like this, having no prior experience, but I'll do as much as I can. The work for volunteers is probably limited and the main work will be done by the experimental archaeologist and head of volunteers there, but every little helps. I got stuck in with building of the Wickerman, but that wasn't such a specialized and important project. We shall see. I'll speak to the people behind it in the coming days.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.