Bushcraft Show or Wilderness Gathering?


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 24, 2010
Pretty much what i wear day to day then. How many public places can you go and wear what you like without looking out of place and being looked at in an odd way. I was there last year and nobody gave me a second look because i had a knife on my belt.

Too often people go on about knife legislation not allowing you to carry one in a public place and if this allows you to relax and fulfil your wants and needs so be it. Personally i hate the label 'uniform' if you like what you wear so be it.


Full Member
Nov 12, 2005
I went to the WG in 2010 (just for the day mind) and had a good day bantering with Fish and Josh, a nice chat with the Coastal guys as we're in the same locale, admired Patricks excellent work, checked out Max's tracking stuff and had a chin wag with matey who did the smoked meats. Only thing I couldn't figure out was all the knives and uniform, I felt like a weirdo wandering around in normal clothes.

I'd have felt like a weirdo to if I was wearing my "normal" clothes, mind you my normal stuff is a suit, and tie, with shinny shoes and the like. But in for standing a field I'd dress appropriately, tough hardwearing suitable clothes. Do you think that if every one is wearing the same, maybe, just maybe there is a good reason for it, other than your "belief" that we all feel the need to conform?


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
No, it wasn't that kind of 'uniform' it was uniform as in they were all wearing the same trousers and shirts.........they looked like a branch of the scouts tbh.
The ordinary punters just looked like us out for the day/weekend in the woods.



Full Member
Jun 24, 2008
St. Helens
Well, I suppose looking at it from that point of view people do go to Star Trek conventions dressed as Spock.

Yep they do. And I'm sure they have a great time. We don't get long on this rock. As long as you're not hurting anyone, enjoy it while it lasts I say.

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Chris the Cat

Full Member
Jan 29, 2008
No, it wasn't that kind of 'uniform' it was uniform as in they were all wearing the same trousers and shirts.........they looked like a branch of the scouts tbh.
The ordinary punters just looked like us out for the day/weekend in the woods.

Who did Mary ?
I thought we were talking about the WG!?
(There ARE scouts helping at the WG, and good job they do too! )
My best.


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Sorry Chris, should have made myself clear; the instructors for the schools. It honestly looked like uniforms :dunno:
I meant at the Bushcraft Show, I hadn't ever been to a show like that before, so it was all new.



Mar 24, 2009
North East England
As no one seems to have answered you Anthony, you seem to approach your bushcraft in a similar way that I do, i.e. not as an entity in it's own right but as part of an overall picture, I've never been to a bushcraft show and I think it's fair to say many are little bit south from us northerners, I will however be attending the adventure overland show you mention for the very reason that it includes a bushcraft section. This is a new show and does indead promise to be interesting and like everything it's what the punters make of it that makes the difference, I've sent a pm to Tony (admin) for his perusal, should he think it may be of interest to either to Bushcraft UK (commercially) or the members of the forum (socially).
I'd love to see a goodly representation of the bushcraft community at any show, but this is the only one it's likely to happen at for me, this year at least.

Chris the Cat

Full Member
Jan 29, 2008
Cheers for that Mary!
Hey smoggy, I think quite a few of us have had a stab at giving Anthony an answer and our views fella,
do you not think?
My best.
Thought that I would give this a bump for you Roger.

The Wilderness Gathering has a lot going for it, much, much more than can be waded through in just a single day.

You can enjoy a friendly relaxed family atmosphere, whilst learning tonnes of Bushcraft stuff, the whole place is a veritable encyclopaedia of skills and knowledge.

You can involve yourself in as much or a little as you wish, and it seems day or night there is always something to do.

At the end of each day you can join in with others at the main field’s camp fire, have a few beers, talk, listen to stories being told and live music being played and if you’ve a mind, make new friends.

If you are a regular, you can meet with old friends and catch-up.

The Beer and Cider tent is a gathering point for those who like to socialise with a drink in their hands and the Tea & Coffee tent sell some of the nicest cakes I’ve had.

The myriad of stall holders are always willing to is talk to anyone, give advice about what they know and demonstrate their wares.

There is a constant supply of Free demonstrations to attend, and there is a plethora of organised classes, for those who want a more in-depth knowledge base about a subject.

Come rain or shine it is a great weekend Family event.

In all fairness, I feel that I may have been perhaps a little one sided in my last posting on this thread, by not mentioning at the same time the merits of the Bushcraft Show, that is run by the Bushcraft and Survival Magazine.

I did sing (quite sweetly I thought) the praises of the Wilderness Gathering, since it is a really great show, but I don’t see that the Wilderness Gathering and the Bushcraft Show are in any way in completion with each other, each has its own merits and own unique characteristics. And since they are set three months apart from each other, both shows are well worth attending.

I attended both the Bushcraft show and the Wilderness gathering last year, so by way of some balance, I would like to offer just some of the merits and benefits of the Bushcraft show that I found significant and why I had such a good time there.

The Bushcraft show had its debut, last year and what a debut it was. Normally for a first time show I would have expected it to have a lot of teething problems; I’m sure that there were some, but none that I could see. And since lessons are always learned when something is new, I can see that this year’s show will only surpass itself with its quality and atmosphere.

I found it to be a really exciting and vibrant weekend, and was super impressed with the quality, and calibre, of all of the trader demonstrators that I spoke to. The knowledge base was staggering, and every demonstration I watched was well worth the time.

The shows Info Booklet timetable was packed with just about every conceivable aspect of Bushcraft and outdoor living and it was a great guide to what was going on at any particular time and just as importantly where within the site it was going on. As a guide it allowed me to plan out my weekend. I hope that they have one at this year’s show.

If I had any complaints about the Bushcraft Show, it would be, for me, that the weekend was just too short to accommodate all that I wanted to see, do, make and try. There was just so much happening.

I found the whole event to be most relaxing and friendly, and although hard on my feet, what with all of the walking, not just looking at all of the stands, but listening to all of the lectures and classes and getting to meet one of my long term Bushcraft / Survival heroes … Lofty Wiseman, but also exploring the woods and beautiful lake shores of the area. At the end of each day, I would just sit back around my Fire Pit with a cold beer in my hand and absorb the friendly ambiance of the place. I met so many interesting and friendly people there that I very much look forwards making their acquaintance again at this year’s show in June.

As for the staff, I found them to be helpful and they did all that they could to accommodate any requests and the occasional questions that I asked of them throughout the weekend.

Overall I feel that the Bushcraft Show is a great place to spend a family weekend where you can do so much, learn so much and admire so much without having to spend money if don’t want to.

I would well recommend it!


Mar 24, 2009
North East England
Sorry Chris unless I've missed something between Anthony's post and mine I don't think anyone has made mention of his content persey, with the exception of the immediate post following Anthony's (Tinderfoot's post refering to WG and BS) which I took as being a reply to an earlier post. Please feel free to direct me any post you think that is relevent to Anthony's that I may have missed! As I don't see where "uniforms" was in any way relevent as an answer to the question Anthony asked.


Mar 24, 2009
North East England
Yes Southey, I agree it may well have been mentioned on the forum, but not on this thread prior to Anthony's post, nor since, before my reply.
As Anthony asked " we found out about these shows so anyone know if these shows are any good? " and no one had mention the AO show in any reply, I think I was correct in my post and explaining to Anthony the status of the show.


Aug 27, 2003
South Wales Valleys
I've always heard good things about the gathering from neil, leon, george (mod team) etc, its something I deffinatly want to do at some point. I've never been before due to the fact that they used to be held in september, which for me was the start of term time and the new academic year, one of my busyiest times .... but now I have changed jobs and the gathering has changed date there really is no excuse.



We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.