Bushcraft Show 2024-how was it for you?

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Moderator staff
Oct 6, 2003
I visited for three hours around midday on Saturday. Did a couple of complete circuits in that time, chatted to a few folks but no one for long. Didn’t see more than a couple of faces familiar from the Moot. Seemed smaller event than the one I went to once before. Nice location, very picturesque.

Bought some leather and a few other little bits, mostly string :rolleyes3:, of which there were enough to be interesting, I didn’t go with the idea of buying anything, no shopping list. Quite a few knife makers whose work I haven’t seen before, all extremely impressive.

Ground was mostly dry, but had a sinking feel in places that suggested it could get very muddy with more rain, which we have now had.

What did other folk think? Was it a good event? What did you see, enjoy, learn or acquire?
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Had a day there on Saturday and unfortunately missed you. Good to catch up with quite a few friends and long term acquaintances and stallholders. Bought a copy of Jesper Hede’s book, and pleased the weather held up. There was an excellent primitive skills area and overall enjoyed the day.
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We just got home from the show, went for the full weekend. We last went 2 years ago and it seemed bigger this year but I was a little disappointed the overland section was a lot smaller. Didn't really buy much but it was a great social event with friends old and new.
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Yep, we just got back from the show assisting with the water activities as usual. I thought the show this year was a little bigger that previous ones, or at least more spread out. There were more crafts and more things to do this time too, although it does seem if you’re not a social media “celebrity” then certain groups aren’t interested. The folks I spent time with from here etc were really great, I put some things to sell on Josh’s stall. (Used to be siberianfury on here for those who have tried to forget). Definitely a lot of lost talent thanks to social media that for sure. Shame I missed you @C_Claycomb , would be good to meet you in person.
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Went Friday and returned yesterday. Had a great time, with lots to do. Thought it seemed bigger than the previous few years, with some new sellers. Great fun.
Spent today trying to dry kit out
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I had a really good time. I was a volunteer so there from Thursday which means I may have met you all and do not know it.
Met some really good people and spent too much money.
I went with my wife on Saturday for the first time ever.

I'm very torn as to whether I'd go back - I'd certainly do things differently if I did.

I couldn't commit to going long in advance (childcare cover!) so we ended up paying nearly full price for the tickets (managed to snack 15% off from a partner code), but it was still £60 for the 2 of us.

Having never been before, I wasn't really sure what to expect - I also couldn't find a decent "schedule" of what's on and when before the day, so I didn't know whether Saturday, Sunday or Monday was the best day to go (in hindsight, Sunday was the best day as far as "speakers" go, but it wasn't very clear).

It was great to meet some people in person, but with how busy it was, I didn't want to take up too much of their time (stall owners that is).

There are A LOT of very VERY nice things you can buy, but it really does highlight the cost of handmade British goods..... I understand it, I really do, but unless you are after something very specific (and have the budget put aside for it), it's not somewhere you can pop along and impulse buy a few items.

I also didn't think there was any incentive to purchase there and then (didn't seem to be any Bushcraft Show Deals from the sellers), and most of it you can buy online if needed.

I think it would have been nice to have booked onto one of the "experiences", but again, you are talking min of £100 for a couple, and more like £200 for some of the better experiences - I don't know if these were advertised heavily in advance, but I'd have possibly done 1 or 2 of them if it had been clear (a nice easy list, rather than having to click into each one on their website).

Food prices were pretty standard for an event like that - £15 burger etc (not cheap, but not horrendous).

It would have been great if they had more "activities" that weren't bank breaking - We did the Archery and Axe Throwing (£6 each for both), but aside from that, I didn't see much that you could do without it being a "proper" session.

The big upside? My Tilley had has never felt more at home!
My first visit , thought it well set out , lots to see , Preppers ,makers and suppliers , nice to get a feel for the items and window shop in person, got there at 11 on Saturday, not long enough really for one day , fancied a few knives especially York ,but didn’t buy.
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I visited on the Saturday, I’ve done the whole weekend in years past, exactly how many times I’ve attended I couldn’t say but I’ve missed very few since it started. We arrived as it was opening and left mid afternoon. First off it’s expensive for what you get really, for £35 for a day ticket, what you get for that is a parking spot for your vehicle and a wander round a field. If you want to listen to the speakers a tip would be to bring a chair or stool as the benches front of stage are few really and fill very quickly. We didn’t listen to too much or many as I’ve done it all multiple times in the past and heard it all before, mostly.
Had it lucky on the day weather wise, very warm, bright and sunny, some parts of the field were starting to muddy up by mid afternoon. It hammered down on the Sunday, I’d imagine it could have got very muddy. I’ve camped the whole weekend in years past, not for quite a few years now though, nice location but again not as nice as previous years. Previous venue, there was a very nice walk through the grounds and woodland to get to the event. It’s a smaller event than in the past too, fewer vendors and demonstrations than some previous years, some stalwarts missing this time surprisingly, sadly, smaller actual stalls too. I missed the lady and her stall, I forget her/it’s name now but I very definitely missed her bison and Stilton burgers, mouthwatering lol. It didn’t seem even half as busy as some previous years.
My Shraftin Buddy was otherwise disposed this time busy doing other stuff.
Took the better half for the first time this year, I was surprised how much she enjoyed it, she loves camping but Bushcraft isn’t really so much her thing but she did express the idea of maybe doing the whole thing next year and remarked on the very relaxed and friendly atmosphere. After a good moach about, a bite to eat, a good rattle to some friends we headed home around 4ish I think but not before purchasing myself a beautiful new knife that I’ve been waiting to buy for the last four years from this forums Rob Evans and a pair of new strides, HelikonTex Woodsman. On the whole both of us enjoyed our day.
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We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.