Don't worry, mating rituals and predation are largely confined to the Naughty Corner.
love it tobes rofpmsl
Don't worry, mating rituals and predation are largely confined to the Naughty Corner.
23. if you are a loud snorer, or prone to considerable flatulence you should have the good manners to set up your own camp an appropriate distance away
28. Dont untie someones hammock when they're sleeping, no matter how funny it seems.
everybody should go at the slowest persons pace.
#30. Whats the craic with the Goats????
There should be one about using chainsaws through the night
I kept hearing one all night at comrie last month
In a similar vein ....I'm pretty laid back and don't really mind music, or most thing to be honest but if I have one big pet hate it would be Drunks. If you plan on drinking stay sober enough to walk in a straight line and know where your sleeping. Please don't get me wrong, I don't mind someone drinking, and I'm not averse to a drink or two myself, but I loathe drunks staggering about. I once had someone fall on top of me while I was sleeping. there's just no excuse for that....
In a similar vein ....
If you intend getting that wasted then keep it around your own fire (or Naughty Corner) and try and avoid taking it to the fires of those who, even if they enjoy a drink or two themselves, find argumentative/ranting drunks far from good company. Try and stay sober enough to pick up on polite hints that your level of drinking/drunken-ness is turning a welcome guest into a less than welcome embaressment.
Had an interesting Moot then did we John...