Buck Saw


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
That's a nice looking saw you've crafted there :D I never really saw the point in these for a bushcrafter, a good folding saw does the job for me. This kind of a saw is heavier and less portable than a nice compact folding saw and there's no need for such a lengthy blade really, as there's rarely a need to be felling large diameter trees when you're out in the woods.... Then again you might be building a log cabin :)

ahh but you see you only need to carry the blade and the string you can make the frame out of sticks. I usually only take a silky pocket boy with me when I'm off camping but you never know when the need to start a log cabin will kick in eh :rolleyes:
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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Greensurfingbear, nice job. I wondered if you might be a bit restricted on the size of wood you can cut and if you considered moving the main stay more central, not picking flies just a thought.

The disc you see is a pound coin so its not that small but I thought the same thing once I'd made it :(

I was concious of the fact that it needs to pivot to tension it, in hindsight I could have made the cross beam higher up, maybe closer to the centre of the uprights. I was trying to copy Hamsters design from the picture on my mobile phone lol
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