
Feb 15, 2011
No better where I am either; several hundred miles south of you :).......normally at this time of year I'm picking (& scoffing) the first of the Burlat cherries but at the moment they're mere little green berries no bigger than peas. They reckon everything is around 20 days behind schedule. I'm not complaining though, I much prefer this cool weather over the sweltering 30°C temps. we often get in may.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Couldn't we organise and online petition or something? I mean this really can't go on like this. :nono:

I have a sun tan that need topping up, my legs are so white they look a shade of pale blue!

By the way, it's no better here in Normandy. Grey clouds when it's not overcast and raining.


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Couldn't we organise and online petition or something? I mean this really can't go on like this. :nono:

I have a sun tan that need topping up, my legs are so white they look a shade of pale blue!

By the way, it's no better here in Normandy. Grey clouds when it's not overcast and raining.

Sorry Biker but your post kicked in my sense of schadenfreude :), There you are, an artist living in France, food wine, but you have cack weather and hairy ladies:lmao:. Here I am in Sunny (though just over the freezing point) Scotland. (Though no wine... or food... or women... Ohh, my little bubble just burst). But it's sunny.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sorry Biker but your post kicked in my sense of schadenfreude :), There you are, an artist living in France, food wine, but you have cack weather and hairy ladies:lmao:. Here I am in Sunny (though just over the freezing point) Scotland. (Though no wine... or food... or women... Ohh, my little bubble just burst). But it's sunny.

Like I said to Decorum the other day: "If I could reach you, I would hurt you." :lmao:

Besides the women aren't that hairy. :lmao:

My kids live in Scotland and I was on Skype with the youngest one yesterday and she showed me blue skies out her window with the camera. But then she also showed me 2 foot snow in March too. Swings and roundabouts mate.

On another topic entirely. Yesterday I was reading my Kindle book and the word "schadenfreude" appeared. Never in my entire reading career had I seen the word before, so I used the Kindle dictionary for a definition and was wiser as a result. The very next day what do I see? That same word used again. (Insert theme to Twilight zone.)


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Like I said to Decorum the other day: "If I could reach you, I would hurt you." :lmao:

Besides the women aren't that hairy. :lmao:

My kids live in Scotland and I was on Skype with the youngest one yesterday and she showed me blue skies out her window with the camera. But then she also showed me 2 foot snow in March too. Swings and roundabouts mate.

On another topic entirely. Yesterday I was reading my Kindle book and the word "schadenfreude" appeared. Never in my entire reading career had I seen the word before, so I used the Kindle dictionary for a definition and was wiser as a result. The very next day what do I see? That same word used again. (Insert theme to Twilight zone.)

The reason I used "schadenfreude" in my last post is because I'm watching... I know what you did... yesterday! And you wouldn't want to hurt someone who can reach back... Muwhaha

Only kidding mate, I would never harm a furry onsie wearer.

Scotlands been pretty varied weather wise, we've had hail, blistering sun, strong winds. But it's keeping the midge down at least. Been reading anything good on your kindle? I've misplaced mine with a load of unread stuff on it which isn't good. Though I do love real books and am tearing my way through a few at the moment. Tom Sharpe's "The Midden" is by the 'puter here at the moment.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 24, 2009
Woke up this morning to snow on the hill and snow showers here, still, it's only May!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Only kidding mate, I would never harm a furry onsie wearer.

.... Been reading anything good on your kindle? I've misplaced mine with a load of unread stuff on it which isn't good. Though I do love real books and am tearing my way through a few at the moment. Tom Sharpe's "The Midden" is by the 'puter here at the moment.

Is it too late to cancel that friend request? :nana: I'm sure that onesie's going to be mighty helpful come wintertime... or summertime, if it ever arrives, in Scotland.

How can you misplace your Kindle? It's like misplacing where you put your lungs? But I suppose there are people unlike me who aren't addicted to theirs. The current book I'm on is Alex Sparrow's "October Skies". It's pretty good actually. After that I have his other two books "Last Light" and the sequal "After Light" to read. Looking forward to those a lot.

Sorry for the thread hijack, Treadlightly.

Hey the Sun's shining! Whoo hoo! Where's me cozzy?


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
"Ne'er cast a cloot 'til May is oot"
Well, the hawthorn's not bloomed yet, so they're spot on so far. Scorching sunshine and a right biting cold wind. No midgies or clegs around :D
Tell you though I'm scunnered running in and out with the washing between rain and hail storms :rolleyes: though when I can keep them on the line the quilts are all drying really well :D

It's like the curate's egg; good in parts :cool:



Jan 28, 2009
Yep its freezing up here as well, with the wind blowing a hoolie

Cant believe it but I have had to light the fire for SWMBO




Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
"Ne'er cast a cloot 'til May is oot"
Well, the hawthorn's not bloomed yet, so they're spot on so far. Scorching sunshine and a right biting cold wind. No midgies or clegs around :D
Tell you though I'm scunnered running in and out with the washing between rain and hail storms :rolleyes: though when I can keep them on the line the quilts are all drying really well :D

It's like the curate's egg; good in parts :cool:


Oh I don't know Toddy, always liked to get the frost in about the washing - makes it lovely and fresh.


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
I've always wondered whether that 'clout' had a historic connection to clout shooting in archery and the effect of weather on both bows, strings and judging where an arrow would go ??? (clout shooting ~ a generic link)

A cloot is a semmit or vest, So all it's saying is don't get rid of the vest yet, it may get cold.

Also where the delectable Clootie dumpling gets its name. As a cloot can also mean a piece of cloth, in which said dumpling is cooked.

I suppose clout shooting could refer to the cloth or flag your aiming at?
Last edited:


Full Member
Jan 29, 2007
And "May is out" could either mean wait until the end of the month of May until casting a clout or as Toddy suggests, until the hawthorn (may) blossoms. I'd go for the latter. Surely it can't stay this cold until June!


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