Oh, its more complex than that.
In `The History of Middle Earth` (12 volumes, you will need a mob of well trained hobbits to carry it) he states that though the Noldor (otherwise known as the `Troublemaking` elves) were city dwellers, they spent a lot of time in ranging round, prospecting for things to turn into other things.
So they must have been the original camping elves.
Lets not talk about Feanors great negotiating skills and shipcraft. (ok, he got where he wanted in the end, but that was more than luck than skill.) and the less fortunate Noldors ice crossing. (which killed a lot.)
As for what the Vanyar did, I bet it was a subject Tolkien never mentions much...religion.
In `The History of Middle Earth` (12 volumes, you will need a mob of well trained hobbits to carry it) he states that though the Noldor (otherwise known as the `Troublemaking` elves) were city dwellers, they spent a lot of time in ranging round, prospecting for things to turn into other things.
So they must have been the original camping elves.
Lets not talk about Feanors great negotiating skills and shipcraft. (ok, he got where he wanted in the end, but that was more than luck than skill.) and the less fortunate Noldors ice crossing. (which killed a lot.)
As for what the Vanyar did, I bet it was a subject Tolkien never mentions much...religion.