boar spear?!

Is your camera up and running yet, I'd be curious to see this little bit of wilderness you've carved out for yourself.

my camera batteries are still dead + i'm technically too challenged (so far) to post pics on BCUK..., my place is nothing special- a prefabricated shed which i renovate (using recycled timber from an 150year-old wooden house), looks kinda like a wooden cabin inside now..; still working on it time and weather permitting... .

last winter i spent in a village nearby with only five permanent inhabitants (the road was covered under up to 2m of snow while i was away...). right now i'm in a slightly more populated area , just 100m from the sealed road, but behind the property are mountains (from where the pigs come in)... . from one spot in the mountains nearby you can see a part of tokyo between two mountains on a VERY clear day and from another spot mt. fuji...


Full Member
Aug 4, 2013
I know nothing of Boar, so this is thrown out from a seat of relative ignorance - I know that people use Geese as guard animals in the UK. Would a flock of half dozen geese be of any use to deter a boar? You could then eat them when the visa runs out...

Apologies if this is a really stupid suggestion.

I know nothing of Boar, so this is thrown out from a seat of relative ignorance - I know that people use Geese as guard animals in the UK. Would a flock of half dozen geese be of any use to deter a boar? You could then eat them when the visa runs out...

Apologies if this is a really stupid suggestion.


hhmmm... geese... interesting idea... if they were useful to keep the gauls out of rome they might be able to keep some pigs away, too...


Jan 2, 2006
I've gone after javelina (peccary) with a spear before, and that is not something I'd like to repeat. They are a distant relative of the pig, but their teeth more resemble that of a canine than those of a pig. They are the only pig-like animal that is actually originally native here, and they can get mean when cornered.

Some of the wild pigs they have around here get huge and I wouldn't consider using a spear. The way those tusks work, they are constantly rubbing against each other, making them razor sharp. Those animals are also very smart and they breed like crazy. However, one of their weakness is poor eyesight. They will run when they can, but they can get mean, especially when wounded or cornered. One nickname for them is 'poor man's grizzly'.

They are omnivorous and will wreck crops. They will also go after nesting birds and eat their eggs. All in all, they will eat anything if hungry enough. Dogs will help keep them away, and good fencing helps. Geese are actually not a bad idea.

All in all, though, get a round ball mold, a slug mold, or a buckshot mold for your shotgun and learn lots of recipes for pork. Do what we do in Texas when we can and build a large, outside barbecue. Make a lot of good barbecue sauce, invite friends over, roast some pig, and drink lots of beer. A smokehouse is also another consideration.
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All in all, though, get a round ball mold, a slug mold, or a buckshot mold for your shotgun and learn lots of recipes for pork. Do what we do in Texas when we can and build a large, outside barbecue. Make a lot of good barbecue sauce, invite friends over, roast some pig, and drink lots of beer. A smokehouse is also another consideration.

i thought i was clear (enough) with my previous posts....: i do know that wild/feral pigs are dangerous, especially when having young ones/cornered/hunted...! i'm NOT planning to hunt them(=without a licence THAT would be ""poaching"" here:nono::nono:) - only keep them on distance in case i blunder in then in darkness between the buildings and wood stacks. a fire arm is out of option for the reasons already mentioned and neither my boss, co-workers nor customers would like it when a gai-jin walks around in camo pants (they make good workpants IMHO) brandishing a gun.... . (IN THEORY i COULD make a primitive single-shooting shotgun but for various reasons i EXCLUDE this option, too!)

to my personal experience animals know if someone wants to hunt them or just comes along- the idea behind the boar spear was to let them know "" i can defend myself! PLEASE walk the opposite direction!"" :p

either one of the pigs has a membership @ BCUK or someone tipped them off- since starting this thread they keep away from my cave... (problem solved for now)



Jan 2, 2006
OK, killing the pigs is out, must have missed or skimmed over a post or two in the thread. Where on the planet are you? You used the phrase 'gai-jin' which is Japanese for foreigner.
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Jan 2, 2006
Hmmm, his location and situation presents quite a pickle since feral pigs are hard to control over time unless you kill them.

Kiwi Tim

Oct 24, 2014
Best solution is to buy a portable electric fence unit. Cost about $ US 300. Set it up so that it is about 250mm above ground. Tie a few little bit of tasty scraps to the fence like apple peels or bits if banana. The pig will sniffcan taste the morsels and get a zap of about 1000 volts of harmless very low amp electricity through their snout. They will never approach the fence again. Gallagher make good fences.
OK, killing the pigs is out, must have missed or skimmed over a post or two in the thread. Where on the planet are you? You used the phrase 'gai-jin' which is Japanese for foreigner.

right now i'm in japan- for how long i cannot say...

i tried to change my ""location"" (=here on the forum) several times but somehow it always went back...

EDIT: seems i got it fixed this time :D
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Best solution is to buy a portable electric fence unit. Cost about $ US 300. Set it up so that it is about 250mm above ground. Tie a few little bit of tasty scraps to the fence like apple peels or bits if banana. The pig will sniffcan taste the morsels and get a zap of about 1000 volts of harmless very low amp electricity through their snout. They will never approach the fence again. Gallagher make good fences.

maybe i should try that idea with the company mascot(==the goat): yesterday he tried to eat a broome and my rubber boots while i wore them and today he started to eat a bolt cutter... :yikes:


Jul 25, 2006
The Netherlands
Although we've wandered off a bit from hunting a boar with a pointy stick, just a little story from this weekend to show how tough boars can be.

On a driven hunt a big boar was shot in the front leg with the bullit passing through the lower chest, the caliber was .300WSM. Said boar kept on going and fount the next hunter in his path. The boar in the end was stopped by the second hunter after receiving three 9,3*62 rounds frontally the last one on the head. The boar had an empty weight of 88kg and that made him only middle weight.

The beaters on driven hunts occasionally have to kill small or wounded boar that have several terries hanging on them. Most of them are mad as a hatter and like the thrill, but its dangerous as hell.

I do bloodtracking with my dog and carry a shortened 8*57 mauser rifle and a 30cm knife. The dogs fully covered in kevlar for protection and so are my legs (especially the femoral artery is likely to be struck without protection).
I'm still glad i've not come across a wounded ******-off 180kg boar.


Dec 6, 2014
ive seen many videos about spear hunting wild pigs . they seem to build a platform about 6ft aboe the ground, lay food underneath it then at night when the pigs come to eat, they are speared from above. I beleve they tie a rope to the spear so that if it slips from the hand , pork chop is still attached to the platform.

Robson Valley

On a new journey
Nov 24, 2014
McBride, BC
Feral animals need to be exterminated. Period. Whack the pigs any which way you can.
My Benelli Nova with 5 mag loads of 12ga x 3.5" BBB is a show stopper.
I can't understand the obsessive need(?) for gov't agencies to place game bag limits
on foreign crap that destroys native animal habitat.

We've got insidious things like snails (restaraunt things) and bull frogs. While you can laugh, these things
destroy native wildlife habitat. Frog-gigging is really difficult, their hearing is acute.

Robson Valley

On a new journey
Nov 24, 2014
McBride, BC
Well, it's the same with the "brumbies" (wild horses) in Australia.
Mammals (rabbits/foxes/pigs/feral cats/camels, etc) have a reproductive advantage over the marsupial native wildlife.

It's just me. After 4 years of seeing the native animals and then the damage done by mammals, I have ZERO tolerance.
Australia has the most iconic wildlife on the planet. Why they must endure mammalian competition any more, escapes me.
Cane toads? They are pure sport.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.