I've heard talk of them being used especially for epistaxis and can possibly see some benefits in very limited cirumstances but ribbon is more versatile and would be better, besides there is no need in 99.99% of cases especially in a non remote setting, never seen it though. I personally wouldn't advocate it and defintely don't carry one for that purpose as a nasal tampon looks nothing like ones designed for more inferior
use, and don't carry one of those either unless you have a small truck already loaded up with more useful non one trick pony medical supplies and still have space.
I can't imagine soldiers carrying any of them, just for that purpose, because if you are going to carry them then you could carry a purpose built dressing. I can see they might be useful to improvise with as people are likely to have them for their primary purpose (not sure about a battlefield and nappies). I only know nappies from adverts and have no idea but typing as my brain works the "stay dry" membrane is probably semi permeable and could be an issue, if it works with something as viscous as blood (which I doubt), as you want the opposite with a dressing.
Lots of variables I can think of for tampons and puncture wounds; if it was the right diameter and depth it could probably benefit as it could pack it and aid clotting but to carry one in case you come across such a wound is really being prepared. Simply plugging a deeper hole like a cork in a bottle might just mask the symptom, again if you are going to the trouble of packing a wound there might be other ways even if you are improvising.