blackberry messenger group

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
Try what...4 down???

I may not have one, but can someone explain what this is all about....Just curious

Not so funny now you've removed the image....trying to make me look sillier than I am already....

Haha, its a BlackBerry phone thing, they have a bar code which you can scan phone to phone to join groups, or you can send each other a code to be able to chat and send pics free of charge on BB messenger, its free world wide as long as the network provider your using in the country your in supports data comms and not just voice comms,
Guys you must have the latest edition of mesnger, if not you wont be able to join groups as it was only released on the last update, go to app world and down load the prog for free,
Guys, why dont you just use the forum like everybody else...and if it goes "down" (heaven forbid) Tony will fix it...Simples....
well we have 5 members and 1 pending when he sorts his up grade out so far and a some nice photos up loaded,

looking at it BBM limits each group to 30 menbers so whe we are (if we get full) will have to figure it out from there,

if you send me a PM with your BBM pin which can be found by going on to your BBM and then scrolling up to where your name is highlighted clicking on to that and it should bring up your profile, from there look down the page and should show your PIN: send me a PM with that number and i will try to do the rest

thanks carl
Bump for more members,..

its pretty easy to set up

and were rolling with live reports of our weekend activities out in the field...

there is always someone on hand who has a reference guide book of some kind close by,

A few examples of the advantages.....

Example 1,..
i was down the plantation,.saw a batch of interesting fungi,...took a pic, sent it to the group, and got an instant ID, real time, live ...

Example 2,...
Mskiba went out on saturday with some polish beers and polish sausage, and made the housebound members very jelous with the photos of his fire..

Example 3,...
Southey had a embarrasing rash develop, i gave him on the spot advice on the best creams and not to scratch it...hahaha (jk)

and we also have a bit of a laugh too,....


Ha Ha haaaaaaaaa, were in the process of organising skill months, so you pick a craft beit carving, fire lighting, basket making or knots then pick a skill within that craft to be practised for a week of that month, I think a week is a good leghth so you have the chance of some decent time practising, with people on hand to give hints and tips, unless of coures like Stu your laid up for the weekend with a mystery flu like bug!!


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.