Biker, Happy Joan of Arc Day!


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Yayyy! A conversation topic I can not only understand, but excel in ;)

But Aunt Sally, you excel at everything! Did you have a nice time with the boys at the MOOT? Haven't had a chance to speak to Mr Posh and Biker dude to see if you behaved. (I hope not).


Full Member
Jun 9, 2009
North West London
But Aunt Sally, you excel at everything! Did you have a nice time with the boys at the MOOT? Haven't had a chance to speak to Mr Posh and Biker dude to see if you behaved. (I hope not).

Oh, I had to have words with auntie sally's mother, to try to make her behave. She's a very naughty girl.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 8, 2011
But Aunt Sally, you excel at everything! Did you have a nice time with the boys at the MOOT? Haven't had a chance to speak to Mr Posh and Biker dude to see if you behaved. (I hope not).
I was uncharecteristically reserved which I guess counts as 'good behaviour', disappointingly for me and probably a great relief to Brother Mine and Nephew :) I did run down my little valley to greet Mr PoshClone when I recognised the car bumping up the track, he managed to stop me before I disgraced myself all over it though, darned spoilsport ;)


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Darn we set the controls on the Posh clone too high on the ethicator. We'll have to fix that up before next time - especially when we'd gone to all the expense of a hidden high-deff film crew!!!


Full Member
Jun 9, 2009
North West London
I was uncharecteristically reserved which I guess counts as 'good behaviour', disappointingly for me and probably a great relief to Brother Mine and Nephew :) I did run down my little valley to greet Mr PoshClone when I recognised the car bumping up the track, he managed to stop me before I disgraced myself all over it though, darned spoilsport ;)



Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Yup, Mother is certainly a VERY naughty girl. You were lucky to survive that encounter!

What is this 'ethicator' you speak of? I like anything that ends in 'ator'.

It is the bio-organically engineered nerve cluster, designed by the best bio-ware engineers that allows us to set Posh Clone's level of ethics and behaviour. We obviously had it set on SAINT as that would've been the only way the unit could have resisted your offer.



Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Biker, Happy Battle of Dunkeld Day.
On this day in 1689 - The Battle of Dunkeld in Scotland took place.

The Battle of Dunkeld (Scottish Gaelic: Blàr Dhùn Chaillinn) was fought between Jacobite clans supporting the deposed king James VII of Scotland and a government regiment of covenanters supporting William of Orange, King of Scotland, in the streets around Dunkeld Cathedral, Dunkeld, Scotland, on 21 August 1689 and formed part of the Jacobite rising commonly called Dundee's rising in Scotland. The battlefield is currently under research to be inventoried and protected by Historic Scotland under the Scottish Historical Environment Policy of 2009.

Following the death of Viscount Dundee in the Jacobite victory at the Battle of Killiecrankie command of the Jacobites was passed to Colonel Alexander Cannon, leader of the recruits from Ireland, as opposed to the veteran sixty-year-old Sir Ewen Cameron of Lochiel, one of the most formidable Highland chiefs. Cameron was so insulted he left, taking some of his clan with him. With the Scottish Privy council preparing to leave Scotland in the wake of an expected Jacobite onslaught, the council ordered the newly formed Cameronian regiment under the command of Lieutenant Colonel William Cleland, to move north from Perth and to hold onto Dunkeld at all costs.

Dunkeld was not protected by a town wall, so Cleland ordered his troops to take up defensive positions in the cathedral, which was surrounded by an enclosing wall, and the nearby mansion of the Marquess of Atholl. The Jacobites, outnumbering the Cameronians four to one, stormed into attack from all sides - but in the narrow, winding streets there was no room for this type of Highland charge that succeeded in Killiecrankie.Thus, for sixteen hours the battle raged, as many who had barricaded themselves into houses were locked in and burned alive.
Gradually the Cameronians were forced back, but at 11pm, depleted of energy and ammunition, the Highlanders decided to call it a day and withdrew, leaving 300 of their men dead or dying in the town. Having exhausted their own munitions, the Cameronians are reported to have stripped lead from the roof of Atholl House to keep up their fire. Holes dating from this battle, caused by the strikes of musket balls, are still visible in the east gable of Dunkeld Cathedral. The battle was over, and the Cameronian Covenanters could claim a war-winning victory.
The Colonel, William Cleland, only 27 years old but already a veteran of the Covenanter cause, died in the first hour of battle by taking one bullet in the liver and another in the head, before dragging himself out of sight so that his men would not see him fall. The Major of the regiment was also wounded so that command fell to Captain George Munro of Auchinbowie who led them to victory.
The Jacobites routed, having lost around 300 men. Losses on the government side are unclear, but included Colonel Cleland, who is buried in the cathedral.


1896 - Blossom Rock, actress, (Grandmamma-Addams Family)
1933 - Barry Norman, Britain, film critic (Film Greats)
1952 - Joe Strummer, lead singer of the British punk band The Clash (Rock the Casbah)
1956 - Kim Cattrall, Liverpool England, actress (Mannequin, Star Trek VI)
1986 - Usain Bolt, Trelawny Jamaica, sprinter (Olympic Gold) 1956 - How old do you feel right now?


1614 - Elizabeth Báthory, the world's most prolific female serial killer (b. 1560)
1940 - Leon Trotsky, Russian revolutionary, icepicked by Ramón Mercader at 62
1952 - Isaac Sadeh, leader of Jewish commando forces, dies
1990 - George Adamson, British conservationist (Born Free), murdered in Kenya
2005 - Robert Moog, American pioneer of electronic music (b. 1934)



Full Member
Jun 9, 2009
North West London
21st August 1965

Gemini 5 - . Call Sign: Gemini 5. Crew: Conrad; Cooper. Backup Crew: Armstrong; See. Payload: Gemini SC5/Rendezvous Evaluation Pod. Mass: 3,605 kg (7,947 lb). Nation: USA. Related Persons: Conrad; Cooper; Armstrong; See. Agency: NASA Houston. Program: Gemini. Class: Manned. Type: Manned spacecraft. Flight: Gemini 5. Spacecraft: Gemini; Gemini Radar; Gemini REP. Duration: 7.96 days. Decay Date: 1965-08-29 . USAF Sat Cat: 1516 . COSPAR: 1965-068A. Apogee: 395 km (245 mi). Perigee: 304 km (188 mi). Inclination: 32.6000 deg. Period: 91.50 min. Major objectives of the eight-day mission were evaluating the performance of the rendezvous guidance and navigation system, using a rendezvous evaluation pod (REP), and evaluating the effects of prolonged exposure to the space environment on the flight crew. Secondary objectives included demonstrating controlled reentry guidance, evaluating fuel cell performance, demonstrating all phases of guidance and control system operation needed for a rendezvous mission, evaluating the capability of either pilot to maneuver the spacecraft in orbit to rendezvous, evaluating the performance of rendezvous radar, and executing 17 experiments. The mission proceeded without incident through the first two orbits and the ejection of the REP. About 36 minutes after beginning evaluation of the rendezvous guidance and navigation system, the crew noted that the pressure in the oxygen supply tank of the fuel cell system was falling. Pressure dropped from 850 pounds per square inch absolute (psia) at 26 minutes into the flight until it stabilized at 70 psia at 4 hours 22 minutes, and gradually increased through the remainder of the mission. The spacecraft was powered down and the REP exercise was abandoned. By the seventh revolution, experts on the ground had analyzed the problem and a powering-up procedure was started. During the remainder of the mission the flight plan was continuously scheduled in real time. Four rendezvous radar tests were conducted during the mission, the first in revolution 14 on the second day; the spacecraft rendezvous radar successfully tracked a transponder on the ground at Cape Kennedy. During the third day, a simulated Agena rendezvous was conducted at full electrical load. The simulation comprised four maneuvers - apogee adjust, phase adjust, plane change, and coelliptical maneuver - using the orbit attitude and maneuver system (OAMS). Main activities through the fourth day of the mission concerned operations and experiments. During the fifth day, OAMS operation became sluggish and thruster No. 7 inoperative. Thruster No. 8 went out the next day, and the rest of the system was gradually becoming more erratic. Limited experimental and operational activities continued through the remainder of the mission. Retrofire was initiated in the 121st revolution during the eighth day of the mission, one revolution early because of threatening weather in the planned recovery area. Reentry and landing were satisfactory, but the landing point was 145 km short, the result of incorrect navigation coordinates transmitted to the spacecraft computer from the ground network. Landing occurred August 29, 190 hours 55 minutes after the mission had begun. The astronauts arrived on board the prime recovery ship, the aircraft carrier Lake Champlain, at 9:25. The spacecraft was recovered at 11:51 a.m.

With this flight, the US finally took the manned spaceflight endurance record from Russia, while demonstrating that the crew could survive in zero gravity for the length of time required for a lunar mission. However the mission was incredibly boring, the spacecraft just drifting to conserve fuel most of the time, and was 'just about the hardest thing I've ever done' according to a hyperactive Pete Conrad. An accident with freeze dried shrimp resulted in the cabin being filled with little pink subsatellites.



Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Biker, Happy Platinum Koala Day!

On this day in 1988 - Australia unveiled it's 1st platinum coin (Koala).
The Platinum Koala is an Australian platinum bullion coin minted by the Perth Mint and is the most famous series of platinum coins of Australia. The Platinum Koala is notionally legal tender, that is a legal means of payment (in Australia).
On 18 June 1987, the Australian Government approved the minting of platinum and silver coins. This decision was made based on the success of gold coins issued a year earlier. The minting of the coin began in September 1988 in Perth and in 1989 the Platinum Koala arguably became the world’s "largest selling and first international tradable investment coin". For marketing purposes, 2 ounce, 10 ounce and 1 kilogram coins of silver, gold and platinum were introduced in 1991; the 1 kg coins were the world's heaviest bullion coins at the time. Together with the American Platinum Eagle, the Platinum Koala is one of the very few series of platinum coins which are still being produced. Minting of 1/10 and 1/2 oz. 2010 coins has been announced and will not exceed 2,500 and 1000 pieces, respectively. However, it will be enriched with the new 1/10 and 1/2 oz. animal-related platinum coins depicting platypus, frill-necked lizard, saltwater crocodile, wombat, echidna, brolga, dolphin and kangaroo. All these coins have coloured backgrounds.
The obverse depicts the Queen of Australia, Elizabeth II, and the reverse contains an image of a koala. The initials JB of the reverse face designer James Brown are present on most coins. Other designers of the coin include Raphael Maklouf (1990, 1991, 1996, 1998), Miranda Cornell (1998) and Darryl Bellotti (2010). The annual series contain coins weighing from 1/20 ounce to 1 kilogram.
Weight1/20 oz.1/10 oz.1/4 oz.1/2 oz.1 oz.2 oz.10 oz.1 kg
Face value, $51025501002001,0003,000
Thickness, mm1.321.401.902.
Diameter, mm
The Platinum Koala never reached the popularity of the American Platinum Eagle, mostly because it has not been advertised in the US. Like most investment platinum coins, Platinum Koalas are sealed in a protective plastic case. The coins are sold at prices that reflect the current price of platinum, and not at the face value printed on the coin. Since November 1986, Perth Mint has used more than 18 tonnes of platinum for minting. About 85% of them were sold abroad making the Gold Corporation (owner of the Mint) one of Australia's top 30 export earners.

1862 - Achille-Claude Debussy,French composer.
1904 - Deng Xiaoping, Chinese party leader (1976-1983)
1920 - Denton Cooley, Houston, heart surgeon (1st artificial heart transplant)
1920 - Ray[mond Douglas] Bradbury, Ill, sci-fi author (Fahrenheit 451), (d. 2012)
1925 - Honor Blackman, Plaistow, London, English actress (Goldfinger, The Avengers)

1286 - Erik V Klipping, king of Denmark, murdered
1485 - Richard III, king of England (1483-85), killed in battle at 32
1963 - William Richard Morris, 1st viscount Nuffield motor manufacturer



Full Member
Jun 9, 2009
North West London
August 22 2005


Dawn at the Huygens Site
The dark terrain, presumably lowland, seen here does not extend much farther south than about 30 degrees South. The successful Huygens probe landed in such a region.

The bright region toward the right side of Titan's disk is Xanadu. This area is thought to consist of upland terrain that is relatively uncontaminated by the dark material that fills the lowland regions.

Near the moon's south pole, and just eastward of the terminator, is the dark feature identified by imaging scientists as the best candidate (so far) for a past or present hydrocarbon lake on Titan (see Clouds in the Distance). Farther east of the lake-like feature, bright clouds arc around the pole. These clouds occupy a latitude range that is consistent with previously-seen convective cloud activity on Titan.

Titan is Saturn's largest moon, at 5,150 kilometers (3,200 miles) across.

The image was taken with the Cassini spacecraft narrow angle camera on July 7, 2005, at a distance of approximately 1.3 million kilometers (800,000 miles) from Titan and at a Sun-Titan-spacecraft, or phase, angle of 60 degrees. The image was obtained using a filter sensitive to wavelengths of infrared light centered at 938 nanometers. The image scale is 7 kilometers (5 miles) per pixel.

On Aug. 22, the Cassini spacecraft flew by Titan at approximately 3,669 kilometers (2,280 miles) above the moon's surface.

Making its first return to Titan since April 16, the spacecraft continued studying the moon's complex atmosphere. It hunted for stratospheric compounds, including water, and continued to study cloud formation and evolution.

The spacecraft returned high-resolution images of Titan's high southern latitudes and had a rare opportunity to study the interaction between Titan and the magnetosphere of Saturn in an exotic region.


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Right this has gotten too quiet. So some lessons in how not to light a sustainable bushcraft fire.


Sadly I have seen a lot of these situations in real life...


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.