Best water filter ever ?


Dec 30, 2012
We have a simlar party trick at work were we blow cig smoke in one end of the filter and then this is filtered to give clean air at the other, even filters the smell.
Jul 30, 2012

if its like the katadyn ceramic filters, it works exept for viruses. BUT it's alot of arm exercise, like wind up things, shaking things, clogs quickly and has to be cleaned, does not take the particle colouration out of peat water.

As for filters, they only filter a percentage, meaning there is 0.01% of bacteria left,in spring water its not so much, but 0.01% of sewage water is more than in most raw water in the uk. Your body is only immune to so much bacteria, viruses. If you can take the food content out of water, viruses cannot multiply, at least that's what the man from aquapure told me.
Jul 30, 2012
Perhaps he meant bacteria, or parasites...

bottom feeding bacteria, carrion feeding parasites !!!

En wikipedia viruses


Just as most bacteria don't make it through a filter, most viruses are species limited. But there are an awful lot of viruses, so 0.00000000000000001% viruses is still more than a few. Besides some viruses (cowpox) is interspecies related, but your chickenpox virus immunity should protect you.

And lets not start on Rabies, or Marion or little John or Barrington(young persons joke)

And I've had water bourne fever, it's not nice, the most sick I've ever been, far worse than flu. If you where on your own in the uk it would be hard, in the outback of Australia, good chance you'd die. Delerium, leads to incapability, leads to dehydration and no food, leads to possible hypothermia or something.

Google bacterial virus en
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