Best one Pot meals

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Sweet Potato & Red Lentil Daal
(serves 3)
... apparently.... I ate it all but did have to lie down for a while....

1 Onion (diced)
2 Cloves Garlic (finely diced)
1" Ginger (finely diced)
1bsp rapeseed oil
1tsp cumin seeds
12-15 curry leaves (optional)
1tsp ground turmeric
150g red lentils
200ml coconut milk
200g tinned tomatoes (chopped)
1 large sweet potato (cubed ~1")
juice 1/2 lemon
400ml water (maybe more, maybe less...)

Pre-prepare at home and chuck it in a tupperware/ziploc bag if your brave

At camp, chuck the whole lot into a billy tin and add the water (I used a 14cm billy and it was a perfect fit!)

Hang over fire and stir enough that it doesn't stick to the bottom of your pan

Cooking time approx 20 minutes on a conventional hob... but I think it took me 40minutes to 1 hour because I added too much water and had to simmer it off for ages!!


More info...

I borrowed the recipe from SWMBO with the T&C's that I link to her instagram... must obey
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Serves 2, Mediterranean ish stew type thing

1 onion, 1 pepper, big chunk chorizo, Passat or tom puree, mushroom. Mixed herbs, pack of microwave rice or pasta(for speed)

Gently fry chorizo to render it down. Fry off chopped onion, pepper and mushrooms. Add tomato (either Passat or puree and water) add herbs. Simmer for a bit, add pasta or rice simmer for a couple of mins.
I usually end up causing myself issues because I am overly creative in my head when out and about and want to cook something, so, I was thinking that i will endeavour to make more one pot meals, stuff that's easy to make and tasty.

So, what are your favourite one pot meals? and if you can lets have some recipes and directions, if you've got pics all the better!
Hi Tony!

As keen as I am on sharing our recipes, fir one pot cooking I must acknowledge the queen. You may remember Jon Pickett who used to post on here? Well his missus Jane Sarchet has a fantastic YouTube channel devoted to the subject. Its totally worth checking out her recipies (with occasional guest appearance by Jonny)
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What initially started as Misr Wot became an adaptation over the years, to be something I eat several times a week as a main, sometimes only meal;

A heaped teaspoon each of ;

Cayenne pepper
Black pepper
Powdered Garlic
Garam Masala
Coconut oil

3 x heaped teaspoons of powdered Ginger

A tin of peas.
A tin of Kidney beans
1 cup of orange split lentils.
Boiling water

Toss in spices and coconut oil, toss in peas and kidney beans, mix the lot up add boiling water to whatever quantity of stuff you want to make. Put pan lid on, bring to boil.

Add cup of washed lentils, stir in, bring back to boil, when boiling turn the heat off and let it cook with what the heat thats in the pan.

It's done when lentils have soaked up most of the water.

Cooked in about twenty to thirty minutes from start to finish, to cost less than a quid a meal.

I eat it with a couple of slices of bread and butter.

I did do a nutrition profile on it a while back to know it's healthy.
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